Everyday Rosary Newsletter Vol.2, Issue #07 -- How To Attain Deeper Peace By Imitating The Saints
November 5, 2010
Autumn Greetings!
The monthly Everyday Rosary Newsletter is brought to you from the
website. In each issue you will find Rosary inspirations, new meditations, feature articles and ideas that support your prayer life, a calendar of upcoming Rosary Feast Days, and how to incorporate your faith in other holidays. Plus stories on how the Rosary has affected the lives of others and what people are doing to promote the Rosary. It will also keep you up-to-date on information added to the site. It is your monthly dose of Rosary inspiration!
Table of Contents
A Note From The Editor:
November is a month to pray for the poor souls in purgatory and a time to honor the saints in heaven. By doing this you will learn how to achieve deeper peace by imitating the saints.
The Apostles Creed proclaims, "I believe in...the communion of saints." The communion of saints consists of the entire Church with Jesus Christ as the head. The three groups that make up the communion of saints are the church triumphant, the church militant and the church suffering. The church triumphant is composed of all the saints in heaven. Those on earth, all of us waging the daily battle against Satan and winning souls are the church militant. The last group is the church suffering, those holy souls in purgatory being purified before their entrance into heaven.
These three groups are as intricate and necessary to one another as different body parts are to the body as a whole. The church triumphant intercedes and prays for the church militant begging for all the graces that are needed to successfully fight the spiritual battle on earth. The church suffering are completely dependent on the church militant for their prayers, offering of alms, and most of all Masses in order that they may be purified and enter their eternal home, heaven. The poor souls in purgatory can do nothing for themselves. Just as you need the intercession of the saints in heaven, these holy souls in purgatory need your help to attain heaven.
Your job as part of the church militant in manifold, first, you must ask for all the help you can get from the saints in heaven. Befriend the saints, learn about their lives, imitate them and most importantly ask for their intercession. Your second duty is to pray for the holy souls in purgatory. The Bible says, "It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins." -2 Machabees 12:46 Another role you must play in this communion of saints is to prepare for the battle. Besides studying the lives of the saints and praying for the souls in purgatory, you must wield all the means necessary of attaining heaven yourself...
Pray the Rosary. Wear the scapular. Offer up life's inconveniences and sufferings as sacrifices.
Read on to learn ways to sanctify your own soul and along the way achieve greater peace in your life.
Heaven's Answer For Spreading The Gospel Is The Rosary
St Dominic founded the Dominicans, the Order of Preacher's. Their purpose is to preach the Gospel, stomping out heresy and converting sinners, winning souls for God along the way.
At first St. Dominic struggled on his mission. He knew God was calling him to this work but at times the little success he would make disappointed him. If you've ever tried to spread the Faith to closed ears, you surely understand how he felt. St. Dominic knew he couldn't do it alone. He begged the Blessed Virgin Mary for her help.
In answer, Mary taught St. Dominic the Rosary. Heavens answer for fighting heresy, spreading the Gospel and converting sinners is the Rosary! It was and continues to be the best way to preach the Gospels. This being is so true that is even known as the prayer of the Gospel. The Rosary teaches the life of Jesus. It is a journey through the joys, sorrows, and glories of Jesus and Mary. Those who pray it, especially daily internalize the Gospels and quickly begin to live as true disciples of Jesus.
St. Dominic had mastered many admirable virtues. Among them were trust, devotion and charity. This is just a brief synopsis of his life. In the Resource section you can find a biography on him. I encourage you to read it. But for now, I will skim the surface of his virtues just noted.
St. Dominic deeply trusted in God. He wandered much like St. Francis of Assisi. In fact, they were contemporaries and met one another in Rome. The times were sometimes savage and Dominic suffered brutal attacks. At times, Dominic was alone among the violent heretics who hated him. But he continued his work no matter what the stumbling block or the hardship. He was completely devoted to his work of converting the Albigensians, a heretical following.
St. Dominic's great love and charity for others was often demonstrated as he went from town to town preaching the Gospels. But of all the examples St. Dominic gave, the easiest for you to follow is praying the Rosary and wearing the scapular. Be sure to do this and mastery of the other virtues will quickly follow.
New Meditation on the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
The fruit of this mystery is obedience to the law of God. This excerpt from a speech given by his excellency Archbishop Raymond Burke in Rome in October 2010 speaks of Mary's obedience to faith. This meditation could perfectly accompany all the Joyful Mysteries but is under this the fourth, because its fruit is obedience...
"The Blessed Virgin Mary lived perfectly the obedience of faith. At the Visitation, Elizabeth, her cousin described Mary's identity as Mother of the Redeemer with the words: 'Blessed is she who believed that the Lord's words to her would be fulfilled' (Lk 1:45). Mary's response to the announcement of the Archangel Gabriel expressed perfectly the disposition of total obedience, which marked her soul: 'I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word' (Lk 1:37-38). Mary's response is the model of our daily response to God's will in our lives, which the Church's Magisterium teaches to us. The last words of our Blessed Mother, recorded in the Gospel, are the summary of her maternal instruction to us. When the wine stewards at the Wedding Feast of Cana approached her, seeking her help, she directed them to the Son of God, her Son, with the counsel: 'Do whatever He tells you' (Jn 2:5). Obeying her maternal counsel, the wine stewards witnessed the first miracle during the public ministry of Jesus.
Faith is, first of all, 'personal adherence of man to God' (Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 150). When we believe all that God has revealed to us, we place all our trust in Him, in His Providence. Such trust can be placed in God alone. Faisath in God the Father and total trust in His promises is clearly faith in Jesus Christ, His only-begotten Son, and in the Holy Spirit Who dwells with us always in the Church (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, nn. 151-152). Our Lord Jesus Christ makes us one with Him in doing all that the Father asks of us by pouring forth into our souls the sevenfold gift of the Holy Spirit; the grace of the Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to know God's will and to do it with courage. The sevenfold gift of the Holy Spirit produces in our souls a sevenfold disposition which may be described as the obedience of faith.
The moral life flows from our faith in God. It is the 'obedience of faith' in action."
-Archbishop Raymond Burke
Top Picks
Saints of the Rosary
These saints have been chosen as our Top Picks this month because of their devotion to the Rosary and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We encourage you to chose one and learn more about them this month. Pray for their intercession and follow their example in your own life. You will find biographies on each of them in the Resource section of this newsletter.
10. St. Anthony Mary Claret - "When people love and recite the Rosary they find it makes them better."
9. St. Alphonsus Liguori - "Mary obtains salvation for all who have recourse to her. Oh! If all sinners had recourse to Mary, who would ever be lost?...He who is protected by her will be saved; he who is not will be lost."
8. St. Dominic Savio - On the occasion of his First Holy Communion, St. Dominic Savio wrote these rules for himself in a notebook:
1. I will go to Confession and to Communion often. 2. I will keep holy the Feastdays.
3. Jesus and Mary will be my best friends.
4. I will rather die than commit a sin.
7. St. Louis de Montfort - "If you say the Rosary faithfully until death, I do assure you that, in spite of the gravity of your sins you shall receive a never-fading crown of glory. Even if you are on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil as sorcerers do who practise black magic, and even if you are a heretic as obstinate as a devil, sooner or later you will be converted and will amend your life and will save your soul, if-- and mark well what I say-- if you say the Holy Rosary devoutly every day until death for the purpose of knowing the truth and obtaining contrition and pardon for your sins."
6. St. Bernadette - In the words of Fr. Lochran, "The Rosary taught Bernadette everything…The Rosary was her dictionary, her spelling book, naming and explaining the mysteries of God’s kingdom; it was a map guiding her to the heart of God’s love for humanity."
5. St. Maximilian Kolbe - "Let us totally consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate, in order that She may deign to use us as instruments to save and sanctify souls. Let us conquer hearts for Her, because wherever She enters, there also penetrates divine grace and from this follows salvation and sanctification."
4. St. Pio - "Some people are so foolish that they think they can go through life without the help of the Blessed Mother. Love the Madonna and pray the Rosary, for her Rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today. All graces given by God pass through the Blessed Mother."
3. St. Pius V - considered the Pope of the Rosary because of his encouragement of the praying of the Rosary which led to Christendom's victory over the Turks during the Battle of Lapanto and his subsequent proclamation of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.
2. St. Catherine Laboure - nun whom Our Lord chose to spread the image of the Miraculous Medal and the prayer, "O Mary, Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."
1. St. Dominic - Our Lady's words to St. Dominic, "One day through the Rosary and Scapular I will save the World."
How To Checklist
How To Follow The Surest Path To Heaven
Attend Mass often even daily, the graces you receive are insurmountable.
Pray the Rosary everyday, it is the most important prayer second only to the Mass.
Wear the brown scapular. At Fatima, Mary appearing as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel held out her scapular. Sr. Lucy said that Mary wants everyone to wear the scapular, she also said, "The Rosary and the Scapular are inseparable.", and that the scapular is a "sign of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary".
Wear the Miraculous Medal. Mary appeared to St. Catherine Laboure in 1830 and revealed to her the image of the Miraculous Medal, asking her to have them made and distributed. Mary made this promise, "All who wear it will receive great graces; they should wear it around the neck. Graces will abound for persons who wear it with confidence." This apparition is approved by the Church.
Develop a deep devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Calendar Of Upcoming Feast Days
Solemnity of All Saints - November 1st
All Souls Day - November 2nd
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 7th
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 14th
Solemnity of Christ the King - November 21st
The third Luminous mystery the Proclamation of the Kingdom. "As long as individuals and states refuse to submit to the rule of our Savior, there would be no really hopeful prospect of a lasting peace among nations." -Pius XI from the encyclical Quas Primas
First Sunday in Advent - November 28th
Beginning of a new liturgical year.
Rosary Gift Resources
Books And Spiritual Reading
The Autobiography of St. Anthony Mary Claret - Written reluctantly and only under obedience to his religious superiors, The Autobiography of St. Anthony Mary Claret bares the heart and soul of a saint. For here St. Anthony Mary not only details the apostolic techniques which proved so successful in saving souls but also explains the five things necessary for a fruitful ministry, namely, humility, poverty, meekness, modesty, and mortification.
Our Lord several times told him, Da mihi sanguinem et dabo tibi spirinem," ("Give me blood [mortification] and I will give you spirit.") During his mission work, he accepted no money and walked everywhere, even from town to town. He had but one pair of shoes, one set of clothes and a few books. He would preach only where his bishop sent him, realizing that God touches hearts when a missionary works out of holy obedience, rather than from personal inclination. He neither ate meat nor drank wine, and slept only three to five hours per night.
As archbishop of Santiago, Cuba, he visited every parish in his diocese four times (some of these had not seen a bishop in 60 years), and conducted missions in each one, plus confirmed those who had not been (300,000) and rectified the invalid marriages (9,000) - all in the course of six years and two months. As confessor to the Queen of Spain, he desired, when finally leaving her service, to have nothing from her - "not even a pin." "All my yearning," he said, "consists in doing mission work." He resolved never to waste a moment of time, and during his 35 years a priest he wrote 144 books and preached some 25,000 sermons.
On one trip, besides traveling, he wrote, 205 sermons in 48 days - 12 in one day. Giving the reason he worked so zealously, he wrote, "If you were to see a blind man about to fall into a pit or over a precipice, would you not warn him? Behold, I do the same, and do it I must, for this is my duty. I must warn sinners and make them see the precipice which leads to the unquenchable fires of Hell, for they will surely go there if they do not amend their ways. Woe to me if I do not preach and warn them, for I would be held responsible for their condemnation."
Alphonsus de Ligouri - The Saint of Bourbon Naples 1696-1787 by Fr. Fredrick M. Jones, C.SS.R. - A biographical and historical story of the Neapolitan nobleman turned priest, Redemptorist founder, bishop, and moral theologian. Capturing the personality and achievement of Alphonsus de Liguori, Father Jones depicts a zealous priest, a learned theologian, and the founder of an order that has brought great honor to the Church.
Golden Legend of Young Saints - Saints both young & bold. For 2000 years now, young Christians have lived — and often died — for Christ, and with a courage that many adults find hard to muster.
Although she was just thirteen, in 304 pagan authorities tortured and murdered brave Agnes of Rome for her Christian faith; for the same reason — and just over a hundred years ago — a Bantu king in Uganda burned to death young Charles Lwanga (c. 1863-1886) and his companions.
The tales of these saints are told here, along with those of many others who, though young, have joined the ranks of the greatest saints: some by dying for their faith; many more by living for it.
Louis IX is here. Crowned king of France in 1226 when he was but twelve-years-old, Louis’ holiness and wisdom, and his care for the poor, won him renown while he still lived, and lifted him swiftly to the ranks of canonized saints after he died.
St. Joan of Arc (c. 1412-1431) is here, too, leading armies while yet a teen; but also saints whose names are not writ large in the book of history: Dominic Savio (1842-1857), canonized for the simple goodness that marked each day of his brief 15 years; and Bernadette Soubirous, the destitute 14-year-old to whom Our Lady appeared at Lourdes.
Their lives of great and simple virtue remind us that “valor does not wait on years,” nor does holiness. To live in the love of God, in absolute obedience to His commandments, to practice the noblest Christian virtues, and even to offer our life in sacrifice — we don’t have to be grown up.
Girls and boys, peasants and kings: and each one a saint!
Christ is calling you to be like them, to cultivate in yourself what you know is best: kindness, courage, perseverance, faith, charity, and absolute trust in God. The example of these bold young saints will help you do so.
Catherine Laboure: Visionary of the Miraculous Medal by Rene Laurentin - The fascinating and inspiring story of the French Sister of Charity who became the focus of much popular devotion after it became known that the Virgin Mary appeared to her three times in 1830. St. Catherine Laboure's story of courage and holiness is unforgettable, and her quiet life of service is an extraordinary example of how God can enter our lives and dwell in our hearts. Sixteen pages of black-and-white photos included.
Padre Pio - The Wonder Worker Edited by Brother Francis Mary, F.F.I. - The many gifts Padre Pio had such as the stigmata, bilocation, miraculous scents, prophecy, reading hearts, healing, interpreting languages and many other charisms, rank him among the most extraordinary Saints in the two-thousand year history of the Church. Padre Pio—The Wonder Worker not only examines these gifts close up and from different perspectives, but is capable of challenging the faithless, of exciting interest among the wavering and of inspiring the faithful to strive for holiness.Though the book records many authenticated wonders, the book's main virtue consists in recounting the life and heroic virtues of this modern day Saint who shows that the way to personal holiness is very much with us in our day. The first seven chapters are a biographical sketch, followed by over thirty chapters dealing with the many inspiring facts pertaining to his life and charisms. Also included are chapters on the Beatification ceremony in Rome and the Pope's homilies. These short interesting chapters are written by a host of writers and devotees of the Padre such as Fr. John Schug, OFM Cap, Fr. Stefano Manelli, F.I., Mary Ann Budnik, Padre Alberto, Cardinal Ursi, Fr. Bernardino of Siena, Fr. Andre Apostoli and many others. Illustrated with dozens of photos.
Kolbe - Saint of the Immaculata Edited by Bro. Francis Mary, F.I. - The most in-depth book yet on the life and work of the great modern martyr of charity and Marian Saint, Maximilian Kolbe, whom Pope John Paul II called "The Saint of our difficult century". Over ten authors, including foremost Mariologists Fr. Peter Fehlner, Fr. James McCurry, Fr. Jerzy Domanski, and Mark Miravalle have contributed insightful and inspiring chapters that plumb the depths of Kolbe's multi-faceted life, holiness and profound Marian spirituality.
This book explains the controversial misrepresentation of Kolbe as anti-Semitic, his insights and strong stand against Freemasonry, and his unique, powerful Marian teachings that have made him the "prophet of the Immaculata".
Missionary, theologian, writer, publisher, founder of Marytown, Marian mystic, and martyr of charity in Auschwitz, St. Maximilian Kolbe shines through the pages of this powerful book, and the reader will see why Kolbe will soon be regarded as one of the greatest saints in Church history, truly a man for all times.
Illustrated with over 40 photos.
A HOLY LIFE: St. Bernadette of Lourdes
Edited by Patricia McEachern, Ph.D. - While the story of the apparitions of Our Lady to Bernadette Soubirous at Lourdes in 1858 are well known, relatively few people are familiar with the saint's own spiritual insights and profound holiness. For the first time in English, this book presents a wide selection of St. Bernadette's thoughts, advice, sayings, and prayers through the touching words of her spiritual diary, notes, and letters to friends and family.
After receiving the visions of Our Lady at the grotto in Lourdes, Bernadette eventually became a religious sister as a member of the Sisters of Charity. She lived a life of simplicity, charity, suffering and deep holiness, dying at the age of 35. When she was canonized a saint, her body was found to be incorrupt.
In these beautiful writings of St. Bernadette, we learn the secrets of her holiness and happiness. Though she suffered greatly throughout her life, the heroic response of this humble, self-effacing nun transformed excruciating suffering into spiritual fruitfulness. Her letters and writings serve as a model for others passing through their own trials. Her writings reveal and intimate and profound love for God and neighbor. Anyone pursuing a deeper spiritual life will appreciate knowing Bernadette as she truly was, and the inspiring spiritual works of wisdom she offers to us all.
The Life of Saint Dominic by Augusta Theodosia Drane - The best biography of St. Dominic in English we have seen. Covers his preaching, miracles, founding of the Dominicans, the Rosary, the incredible fruit of his life, and the miraculous growth of the Dominicans.
Wisdom's Fool - A Biography of St. Louis de Montfort by Fr. Eddie Doherty - A biography of St. Louis de Montfort priest, poet, founder of Religious Congregations, miracle worker, preacher of the Cross and prophet of the Reign of Christ through Mary.
The author, Eddie Doherty, once billed as "America's Star Reporter," spent the last thirty or so years of his life in semi-seclusion pounding away at his typewriter while breathing in the spiritual-not to say mystical-climate that envelops the Madonna House Apostolate to the poor, in Comberemere, Ontario, Canada. Through his wife Catherine (former Baroness de Hueck), he was introduced to St. Lous de Montfort and his Marian way of spiritual life. He became at once fascinated by this great lover of the poor who was at once a poet, preacher and apostle of Incarnate Wisdom, Jesus Christ, and of His Mother Mary. A pilgrimage to De Montfort's country, for purposes of research, enabled him to walk in the footsteps of the Saint and to discover for himself the spirit that animated the spiritual giant he writes so well about in this biography.
St. Pius V - A Brief Account of His Life, Times, Virtues and Miracles by Robin Anderson - In a brief pontificat of six years, Pope St. Pius V (1566-1572) vigorously promulgated the decrees of the Council of Trent (1545-1563), issued the Roman Missal, the revised Breviary, and the Catechism of the Council of Trent (all of which served the Church almost 400 years), plus excommunicated Elizabeth I of England, established the Index of Forbidden Books, chose 314 bishops, wrote hundreds of bulls, and gathered an allied Christian force which destroyed the Turkish fleet at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, bringing to an end their dominance of the Mediterranean Sea. In this brief, popular biography Professor Anderson scrutinizes the character, virtues and achievements of a saint who has to have been one of the greatest Popes of all time.
Understanding the Mass Booklet - A booklet about the Mass that is very practical and easy to understand. It explains the meaning of Holy Week, the Paschal Mystery, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Brown Scapular - This brown scapular features flat brown cords which attach it together. It comes with a St Benedict medal and a Crucifix and measures approximately 21 inches from end to end.
Miraculous Medal - This large sterling silver 7/8in. X 9/16in. oval Miraculous Medal, inscribed with the words, "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee. The rear has all the symbols of the Miraculous Medal. Comes with a 18in. rhodium-plate chain with a clasp. Packaged in a lovely maroon gift box.
This item comes with a lifetime guarantee. If it ever breaks or tarnishes just send it back for repair or replacement. This guarantee takes precedence over our standard return policy.
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"Just found your site...LOVE IT! Great info, very "user friendly", well presented, beautiful pictures, convenient shopping links, and wonderful messages." -Steve
Meet This Month's Rosary Promoter!

Who: Sarah Harkins of Clayrosaries.com is a stay at home mom who has been making clay rosaries for 14 years. She has experimented with many different arts and crafts but finally fell in love polymer clay as her favorite, mainly because of it's ability to work as a medium to recreate beautiful symbols of the Catholic faith.
She started making rosaries at the age of 15. She believes she is doing what God has called her to do and seeks to spread the Gospel through her work.
Read entire interview here...
If you would like to be highlighted as the Rosary Promoter of the Month, use the Rosary Promoter Submission page on How-to-pray-the-rosary-everyday.com and write us asking for a Rosary Promoter application. If you know someone that promotes the Rosary and should be featured as a Rosary promoter, by all means pass this along to them or send us their information and we'll contact them.
These two questions were taken from our Ask A Rosary Question Section at How-to-pray-the-Rosary-everyday.com
How do you explain why we call them 'Mysteries' of the Rosary to a non Catholic?
Rosary mysteries are called such because they refer to the mysteries in the lives of Jesus and Mary. Here the word mystery denotes a sacred event that is difficult to understand using logic. All the works of Jesus are mysteries because He is God. Because Mary is immaculate and the most pure of all God's creatures, the events in her life are also mysteries, events difficult to understand using logic.
Is it necessary to say the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary after saying the Rosary?
No, you do not have to say the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary after saying the Rosary. The Rosary is complete after praying the Hail Holy Queen even though many people add additional prayers.
Please visit the Ask A Rosary Question section on the website and ask your questions. You are encouraged to answer questions that have been posted there as well.
What's New
A Glimpse Into Next Month's Newsletter
Next month's Newsletter - Preparing for Christmas
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FREE Rosary Booklets! Print yours off today by clicking here...
Coming soon - Our recommended reading list in an all new Rosary Books section!
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We hope the coming season of Advent is filled with peace and blessings from God for you and your family and friends.
All of the Saints of Heaven, Pray for us!
To Jesus through Mary,
Kathleen Bowen and The Rosary Team
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