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Everyday Rosary Newsletter -- Best Way To Celebrate The Month Of Mary May 12, 2010 |
Everyday Rosary Newsletter Vol.2, Issue #04 -- Best Way To Celebrate The Month Of MaryMay 12, 2010
The monthly Everyday Rosary Newsletter is brought to you from the website. In each issue you will find Rosary inspirations, new meditations, feature articles and ideas that support your prayer life, a calendar of upcoming Rosary Feast Days, and how to incorporate your faith in other holidays. Plus stories on how the Rosary has affected the lives of others and what people are doing to promote the Rosary. It will also keep you up-to-date on information added to the site. It is your monthly dose of Rosary inspiration! Table of Contents
A Note From The Editor:Well April showers have brought May flowers. Why not share these flowers with Our Lady? May is the month of Mary after all. What better way to show your devotion to Mary than to observe some traditional Marian devotions set aside for the month of May. Two all time favorites are the May altar and the May crowning. Besides praying the Rosary and singing Marian hymns during this month, participating in these two additional activities will greatly enhance your May devotions. This month's newsletter is packed full of ideas and ways you can spend the month of Mary focusing on Our Blessed Mother and prioritizing your free time to make her an ever increasing presence in your daily life. Read on and you are sure to find the very best way to celebrate the month of Mary.
ArticlesThe May Altar Enshrine a statue or image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in a place of honor in your home during the month of May. Use a statue or image of Mary and place it in a prominent place where it will be a part of your daily activity. A May altar serves as a reminder that Mary is not only your constant mediator and advocate but also should be your greatest mentor. Those who are dedicated to the Rosary already know the importance of imitating Mary's virtuous example, and how doing so brings much peace and serenity into their lives. Even more so does the daily family Rosary said with devotion in front of the May altar bring serenity and peace into your home and entire family. In this way your home will be happier and richly blessed.
May Crowning Another tradition widely practiced in May is the May crowning. This is usually done in church, but is very meaningful if done in your home as well. This can be especially memorable if children live in your home. It is nice to do this in an outdoor shrine. Weave a small crown for your statue out of flowers from your yard. I usually start with a study stemmed flower or small twigs that bend easily without breaking. Weave, braid style until you have a complete crown the approximate size of your statues head. Add flower blossoms to your twig crown. I use any flowers that are readily blooming in my yard and my all time favorite is Lily of the Valley. We often add Azaleas and Rhododendrons. Choose one person to crown Mary and one person to be the crown bearer. We have always used our ring bearer pillow from our wedding as the pillow upon which to carry the crown. We draw straws to choose a boy to be the crown bearer and a girl to be the crowner. Then we collect a vase full of flowers for each of the other children to carry and offer in the procession. Starting at one end of the yard (a substantial distance away) begin singing a favorite Marian hymn. We always sing "Mary we crown thee with blossoms today." Which can be found below. Then process toward your statue beginning with the crown bearer, followed by the crowner, followed by the rest of the procession carrying their vases full of flowers. We try to keep our procession as solemn as possible with each person reverently making their offering of flowers after the first two have crowned the statue. When everyone has given their flowers, we all pray the Rosary together in front of the statue. This is a lovely tradition that our family cherishes. We keep refreshing the flowers all summer long. It is wonderful to have a three year old come up to you with a handful of weeds and be able to say, "Give them to Mary and say a little prayer." Their eyes light up and I always enjoy seeing them kneel down in the grass near the statue and fold their chubby, little hands in prayer. I know Our Lady is smiling too. May Crowning Hymn Bring flowers of the rarest, bring flowers of the fairest
Our voices ascending, in harmony blending, Top PicksMary Gardens Many flowers are associated with Mary. Perhaps you can attain some of these varieties to decorate your May altar or better yet, plant a Mary garden in your yard. That way you will be able to pick these flowers all summer long and place them at your May altar or place your outdoor shrine amidst your Mary Garden. These are our top 10 favorite flowers associated with the Blessed Mother...
Top How To ChecklistHow To Make A May Altar Everyone wants an impressive May Altar and surely Our Lady deserves the best. But impressive does not need to translate into expensive. Follow these tips to create a beautiful and inexpensive May Altar. Top
Calendar Of Upcoming Feast DaysAscension - May 13 This the 2nd of the Glorious Mysteries commemorates the day Jesus Ascended back into Heaven, 40 days after the He rose from the dead on Easter. Our Lady of Fatima- May 13This is the anniversary of the first of 6 visits of Our Lady to the three shepherd children at Fatima in Portugal. Mary's message was that of prayer, especially the daily Rosary and penance. Pentecost Sunday - May 23 The Descent of the Holy Spirit, the 3rd Glorious Mystery of the Rosary is the day the Holy Spirit descended upon Mary and the Apostles who had been waiting and praying for nine days in the upper room. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church and it takes place 10 days after Ascension Thursday and 50 days after Easter Sunday. Trinity Sunday - May 30 This feast is the magnificent celebration of the three Divine Godheads, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. This mystery of the Blessed Trinity was first revealed during the Baptism of Jesus, the 1st Luminous Mystery of the Rosary. Visitation - May 31 This is the commemoration of the 2nd Joyful Mystery of the Rosary when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth. Top ResourcesRosary Gift Resources
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TestimonialsWe love to hear from our visitors. Here is what a recent visitor had to say about"You have a wonderful site!" - J.F. Archer
Meet This Month's Rosary Promoter!Who: Peggy Bowes, a devout Catholic, is the author of The Rosary Workout™. She graduated from the US Air Force Academy in 1988 and served nine years as an Air Force pilot. Peggy has since left the military to raise a family and is also very active in parish life. She has been a lector, CCD teacher, and Little Flowers Girls' Club leader. She also enjoys triathlons, hiking, adventure races, and other sports as she incorporates all the benefits and blessings of The Rosary Workout™. Peggy and her husband and two children currently reside in North Carolina. Read entire interview here...
============================================================== If you would like to be highlighted as the Rosary Promoter of the Month, use the Rosary Promoter Submission page on and write us asking for a Rosary Promoter application. If you know someone that promotes the Rosary and should be featured as a Rosary promoter, by all means pass this along to them or send us their information and we'll contact them.
Q&AThese two questions were taken from our Ask A Rosary Question Section at How-to-pray-the-rosary-everyday.comDuring the audio Rosary, a woman's voice seems to be leading the prayers. Do I say the Hail Mary along with her and then respond with the group or do both parts? If I only respond then I would be saying an entire Rosary and not a single Hail Mary. That doesn't seem right? When the Rosary is recited in public, there is usually a leader with the rest of the group praying the responses. The Hail Mary in it's entirety is said by both the leader and the group. The prayer is split in the middle. When praying along with an audio Rosary, most people respond with the group and allow the voice to lead the Rosary. When you are only responding with the second half of the Hail Mary prayer which begins, "Holy Mary Mother of God..." you are completing the Hail Mary prayer that was started by the leader so you are in effect saying all 53 Hail Marys. The same goes for the rest of the prayers. The response of the group is "Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners...." etc., which isn't listed in any of the listed prayers on your site or elsewhere and the group never gets to say a Hail Mary. I guess that better explains my confusion? Thanks for your patience. The Hail Mary Prayer when prayed as a group Rosary is prayed in this manner... "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. / Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen." Above is the Hail Mary prayer in its entirety with a / breaking the leader's part and the group's response. When praying alone, pray the whole Hail Mary prayer yourself. The other Rosary prayers are divided in like manner. Please visit Ask A Rosary Question Section - Where you are encouraged to answer questions and add comments to questions that have been posted there. What's NewA Glimpse Into Next Month's Newsletter Next month's Newsletter - The Real Secret to Living A Catholic Life All Summer Long - The Months of the Sacred Heart and the Precious Blood Please note: Because this issue was late getting out, June/July will be sent as one issue on July 1st. We plan to get back on our regular monthly schedule thereafter. Sorry for the inconvenience. We know many of you look forward to these newsletters and we do our best getting them to you in a timely manner. We run on a bare bones volunteer only staff and your donations are greatly appreciated. Click here to make your donation today. Thank you. New On The Site Please check out our numerous prayer request postings here... Coming soon - More on Rosary Jewelry. Keep visiting! Thank You!Thank you for reading! Keep visiting and remember we love hearing from you. Please use the "contact us" page to leave any and all suggestions or comments. I hope your month for Mary is filled with peace and blessings from God. Holy Mary, Mother of God. Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death! To Jesus through Mary, Kathleen Bowen and The Rosary Team P.S. If you like this newsletter and are looking for an easy way to promote the Rosary, please "email it forward" to someone you know who might appreciate it. If a friend did forward this to you and you like what you read, please subscribe now! As our site and community grows, I hope that you drop me a line and tell me how the Rosary is working in your life! Did a personal transformation take place in your life that was inspired by something on our site? Share it with the rest of us! Often, having a support community really keeps you going. Feel free to send in tips or questions too! We love mail! Everyday Rosary Newsletter is our personal Rosary newsletter and it may accept advertising and other forms of compensation. Such compensation does not influence the information in this newsletter. We always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences etc... for more on how our site is compensated please visit our advertising and disclosures page.
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