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Everyday Rosary Newsletter -- The Real Secret To A Fruitful Lent March 01, 2010 |
Everyday Rosary Newsletter Vol.2, Issue #02 -- The Real Secret To A Fruitful LentMarch 1, 2010 Second Week of Lent Lenten Greetings!
The monthly Everyday Rosary Newsletter is brought to you from the website. In each issue you will find Rosary inspirations, new meditations, feature articles and ideas that support your prayer life, a calendar of upcoming Rosary Feast Days, and how to incorporate your faith in other holidays. Plus stories on how the Rosary has affected the lives of others and what people are doing to promote the Rosary. It will also keep you up-to-date on information added to the site. It is your monthly dose of Rosary inspiration! Table of Contents
A Note From The Editor:It seems like it was just Christmas, but here it is already Lent. Sometimes it is hard to shift gears from the joyous and festive season of Christmas into the somber penitential season of Lent. If this sounds familiar to you, do not fret. In this newsletter, you will find the real secret to a fruitful Lent. Lent is a time to really focus on the sufferings and death Jesus endured for you. It is a time to unite your own daily sufferings with His cross so as to build up the body of Christ, namely the Church. The reason a penitential nature is endured during this time of year is so that you get the opportunity to offer small daily sacrifices for the conversion of sinners, for repentance for your own sins and for the sins of the whole world, and for your own spiritual growth. It is actually a fabulous time of year and a time for great spiritual development. Embrace your daily crosses. Live in a spirit of penance. The peace you will attain will be truly insurmountable. You don't have to take my word for it. Look no further than to the lives of the saints. There you will find the secret of a fruitful Lent and a fruitful life for that matter. Your greatest example is the Queen of All Saints, the Blessed Virgin Mary who perfected the virtues you should be trying to foster during this holy season. ArticlesGood St. Joseph March is the month of St. Joseph. What better time than now to highlight this great saint. God chose St. Joseph to be the protector of His only Begotten Son on earth. The Church recognizes St. Joseph as the protector of God's Church on earth, the Holy Catholic Church. A parallel figure to St. Joseph and his role is Joseph of the Old Testament. When Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery, he was taken to Egypt. While in Egypt he gained the pharaoh's good favor and was eventually rewarded by being made chancellor of Egypt which meant he was charged with overseeing and protecting ancient Egypt's treasury. Later he protected and provided for Israel by welcoming his family into Egypt. It is fascinating seeing the Old Testament typologies of current Catholic beliefs and teachings. God protected and provided for His Chosen People through Joseph. God protected and provided for Jesus through St. Joseph. God continues to protect and provide for the Church through the intercession of St. Joseph. St. Joseph being the head of the Holy Family had the great privileged of being charged with caring for the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus. Husbands and fathers should ask for St. Joseph's intercession so they can care for their families with the same heroic virtue he displayed. It is a good idea to charge your finances to the care of St. Joseph as well. Pray for his intercession when applying for jobs or when buying or selling your home. His intercession is so powerful and his example is so far reaching that he really should be one of your closest friends. Ask for his help often. He won't let you down. A St. Joseph statue makes a lovely addition to your home and it serves as a reminder of his constant care and companionship for your family. A lovely one is listed in the Resources section of this Newsletter. Another way to imitate St. Joseph can be brought to light when studying the Gospels. Angels act as God's messengers. In the Gospels, God spoke to St. Joseph in this way. There are three Biblical accounts of how an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and gave him directions from God. Each time, St. Joseph immediately obeyed. St. Joseph is not recorded as speaking a single word in the Gospels. Perhaps this silence can serve as a lesson as well.
Top PicksThis Lenten Sacrifice Idea Is Almost Too Easy! Having a hard time deciding what to give up for Lent this year? Rather than giving up one thing for Lent such as coffee or chocolate, perhaps a more spiritually beneficial idea is to give up something spontaneous each and everyday. This way you are truly living in a spirit of self denial and self sacrifice because you are deciding to deny yourself of something you really want each day. Top How To ChecklistHere Is Your Lenten Checklist Top
Calendar Of Upcoming Feast DaysSt. Patrick's Day - March 17 St. Patrick is famous for teaching the truths of the Blessed Trinity with the help of a shamrock. The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary can be recalled in a special way on this day. During both the Baptism of Jesus and His Transfiguration, the Blessed Trinity was gloriously manifested. St. Joseph's Feast Day - March 19 This very important feast day is held in honor of St. Joseph, the leader of the Holy Family. St. Joseph was Jesus' foster father on earth and the most chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He is the protector of the Roman Catholic Church and the patron of a happy death. The Feast of the Annunciation - March 25 This very important of the Rosary days is the commemoration of the First Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, when the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary asking if she would be the Mother of Jesus. Palm Sunday - March 28 This movable feast is the beginning of Holy Week being the sixth and final Sunday during Lent and is celebrated the Sunday before Easter. On this day the Church celebrates Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. It is also called Passion Sunday because the account of Jesus' Passion is recounted in the Gospel readings during Mass. Therefore it is counted among the Rosary days because it is a commemoration of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. Top ResourcesRosary Gift Resources
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TestimonialsWe love to hear from our visitors. Here is what a recent visitor had to say about"Love the Rosary, Love your site & love you for what you are doing to promote the rosary!" Meet This Month's Rosary Promoter!Who:
================================================================ If you would like to be highlighted as the Rosary Promoter of the Month, use the Rosary Promoter Submission page on and write us asking for a Rosary Promoter application. If you know someone that promotes the Rosary and should be featured as a Rosary promoter, by all means pass this along to them or send us their information and we'll contact them. Q&AWe were recently asked a very unusual and quite puzzling question and would like to open that question up to you our readers.My son had a rosary that he purchased in Rome and placed it in his car on the rear view mirror. He has had this rosary for many years. Last night, however, he went to the movies with his wife and when they got in the car the rosary had been riped off the mirror and no where to be found. There was no sign of robbery other than the rosary. Nothing else was missing or damaged and no one else was with them. Has anyone ever heard of something like this?
If you have heard a similar story please contact us using the Contact Us page. And your response will be featured in next months newsletter.
What's NewA Glimpse Into Next Month's Newsletter Next month's Newsletter - Rosary Devotees: Get the Easter Inspiration You Need New On The Site There are a lot of new things up on the site. We have launched our Rosary Prayer Requests page and have seen much interest with people from the Rosary Community requesting prayers for their personal intentions. Please check it out. Post your own prayer request and pray for those who have put up posts. Check it out here...Rosary Prayer Requests Also new is our Request Free Rosary Resources page. This is an exciting new section where people who are needing rosaries and other religious items whether it be for personal use or for use in the missions can post their request along with an address where the items can be shipped. There are already three requests from three different countries! If you are able please check it out and send free rosaries and other items by clicking here...Request Free Rosary Resources Inspirational Stories of the Rosary is another very exciting page where you can share your own stories and read stories posted by others. A super comment has already been posted on this page. You have got to check out the picture the contributor posted of a breath-taking giant rosary made from hand blown glass balls. View it here and add your own comment or inspiring Rosary story here...Inspirational Stories of the Rosary And one more page where you can get involved that was recently added is the Saint John Marie Vianney Quotes page. You can read famous quotes of Saint John Vianney and even comment on them or add your own. Check it out here... Saint John Marie Vianney Quotes We are just thrilled to have these pages up. It is our goal to make a truly warm and interactive Rosary Community and all four of these recently added pages help make that a reality. We hope you enjoy them as well as we do! Coming Soon Very soon, we are adding an "Ask A Rosary Question" section, where we encourage you to ask any question you may have about the Rosary whether it be about the myteries, origin and history or the prayers. We are currently working on adding some Rosary Jewelry pages where you will find information, reviews and places to buy these fabulous sacramentals. Thank You!Thank you for reading! Keep visiting and remember we love hearing from you. Please use the "contact us" page to leave any and all suggestions or comments. I hope your New Year is filled with peace and blessings from God. Holy Mary, Mother of God. Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death! Queen of All Saints. Pray for us! To Jesus through Mary, Kathleen Bowen and The Rosary Team P.S. If you like this newsletter and are looking for an easy way to promote the Rosary, please "email it forward" to someone you know who might appreciate it. If a friend did forward this to you and you like what you read, please subscribe now! As our site and community grows, I hope that you drop me a line and tell me how the Rosary is working in your life! Did a personal transformation take place in your life that was inspired by something on our site? Share it with the rest of us! Often, having a support community really keeps you going. Feel free to send in tips or questions too! We love mail! Everyday Rosary Newsletter is our personal Rosary newsletter and it may accept advertising and other forms of compensation. Such compensation does not influence the information in this newsletter. We always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences etc... for more on how our site is compensated please visit our advertising and disclosures page.
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