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Everyday Rosary Newsletter -- Healthy Interior Life - A Rule Of Life March 08, 2013 |
Everyday Rosary Newsletter, Volume 4 Issue #3 -- The Real Secret Behind A Healthy Interior Life - A Rule Of Life
Winter 2013 Lenten Greetings in Our Lady! Let us pray and do penance for Pope Benedict XVI and the Cardinals of the Church as they prepare to elect a new Vicar of Christ. The monthly Everyday Rosary Newsletter is brought to you from the website. In each issue you will find Rosary inspirations, new meditations, feature articles and ideas that support your prayer life, a calendar of upcoming Rosary Feast Days, and how to incorporate your faith in other holidays. Plus stories on how the Rosary has affected the lives of others and what people are doing to promote the Rosary. It will also keep you up-to-date on information added to the site. It is your monthly dose of Rosary inspiration! Table of ContentsA Note From The Editor:For our long time readers, I would like to apologize for the length of time that has past since the last newsletter. Welcoming the birth of our seventh child has led me to neglect my duties on this site a bit. I am ready to begin quarterly newsletters and answer questions on a regular basis again. I appreciate your patience on this. Our readers, the Rosary Community, are welcome to submit articles for consideration by using the contact us form and are encouraged to answer questions in the Rosary Questions section of the website. As for me, finding time to write for this site takes devotion and dedication to a rule of life. A Catholic rule of life is essential to developing a life saturated in Catholic spirituality. Kindly remember that this site is run by a volunteer staff and your donations as well as your patronizing our advertisers is much appreciated. Which reminds me, I would like to put a little plug in for Mystic Monk Coffee. Their coffee is excellent, the best I’ve ever tasted. As an avid coffee drinker, I bought a subscription. I get the Hermit’s Blend every month. Please try their coffee or tea. You will not be disappointed. By purchasing their coffee, you will be supporting both the Monks of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, a monastic, cloistered Roman Catholic community founded in the Rocky Mountains of northwestern Wyoming, and Another way you can help us promote the Holy Rosary is by spreading the word about through the use of social networking. Because of time constraints, we are unable to enter the realm of social networking media to promote this site, at least for the time being. But you can do this for us by "talking up" our site and providing links in places you frequent such as Facebook, Twitter or your favorite forums. Most important of all, keep the Rosary Team in your prayers. May God bless you during this Lenten season and always! TopArticlesAccomplish All You Intend With A Rule of Life Accomplish All You Intend With A Rule of Life "Let us serve God in holiness and justice before Him all our days" -Luke 1:75Accomplishing the goal of praying the Rosary everyday takes more than just the intent of doing so. That is the first step. Once you tell yourself, “I am going to pray the Rosary everyday,” you must set aside a specific block of time for the Rosary. In fact having a set time for all you do will help you attain inner peace and grow in holiness. In Catholic talk having a set time for all you do is called a rule of life. Following your rule will take years to master but you should create your own unique rule as soon as possible. This will take some work and time, but if you want to grow in holiness, it is highly recommended and well worth the effort.
These words from Fr. Lasance’s My Prayer Book
A successful interior life depends on following a rule of life. Some of the suggestions given in this article will not work for everyone as we all have different situations. Read the suggestions then decide what you want implement in your day.
The following seventeen steps are derived from the steps found in My Prayer Book
Try to incorporate all these spiritual strategies into your day to day living. Don’t do them all at once. Take baby steps. In this way you will reach more of your spiritual as well as temporal goals. Work on incorporating one thing at a time, and you will develop a solid interior life and be well on your way to spiritual perfection.
New Meditation on the Third Sorrowful Mystery - The Crowning With Thorns
Fight the good fight of faith: lay hold on eternal life -1 Timothy 6:12 Moral courage - fortitude is the fruit of the crowning with thorns. Fortitude is a must when following a rule of life. You need the courage and strength only grace can give to carry on day after day doing what your rule dictates. Following a rule will take discipline but it will help you do all for the greater glory of God. It will draw you closer to Him. It will keep you away from sin and help you attain heaven. Stick with it. Fight the good fight. Top PicksWhere There Is No Rule There Is No Order Living a life of heroic virtue seems unattainable to the average person. And yet, committing yourself to your own unique rule can make spiritual perfection possible. Plus, those who live by a rule, are more at peace with themselves and those around them. Consider this...
How true! I am sure we have all experienced the unrest that comes from deferring our duties and all the blaming and confusion that results. Begin by writing your own rule. Then commit to following it, come what may. Top How To ChecklistHow To Create Your Own Unique Rule The most important step to following a rule is creating one. Start by grabbing a pencil and paper. Then let’s dive in... Make a sketch of your day. Write down your usual waking time as well as your bedtime. Remember number one above, wake at the same time each day, as well as number ten, try to go to bed at the same time each night. From there, pencil in your working hours or other daily obligations, bearing in mind number eight: do all your work enthusiastically keeping in mind you do all for the greater glory of God. From there, I suggest moving on to meal times. Block out the times you will be eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. Remember the opportunity you have during these times to practice self denial and offer up little sacrifices to Our Lord by way of eating slowly and by never giving way to gluttony. Don’t forget to add before and after each meal, “blessing before/after meals”. Pencil in snacks if you eat them or coffee breaks or whatever it may be. At this point you have a skeleton outline of your day. Now for the fun... ...Bearing in mind number two, spend as much time as feasible in prayer each day, write in “morning offering” and “focus on particular fault” under the time you wake. You will come back to add more prayer time later. If daily Mass is feasible, write it in. Adjust your meals accordingly. If daily Mass is not a possibility for you, sometime in the morning, maybe just before breakfast after the “blessing before meals” write: pray a “spiritual communion”. Find time to pray the Rosary everyday, then write it on your rule. My family prays the Rosary when our dinner dishes are done at about 7 o’clock every night. Nobody starts anything after they are done helping in the kitchen and dining room until after the Rosary. We sit near our family altar and visit until the final member is finished with their after dinner task. Then we pray the Rosary together as a family. Perhaps you like to pray the Rosary online or during your commute. It doesn’t matter when or where you pray it, but what does seem to matter is setting a time and sticking to it. Decide on the time that is best for you and pencil it in. Now, notice I am using the phrase pencil it in a lot, because you may need to adjust your rule a little bit before you get a good fit. Try it for about two weeks before you adjust it however, because it takes about two weeks to develop a habit or change a behavior. Before moving on to spiritual reading, consider other common prayers and see if they fit into your rule. I would suggest the Angelus at 6am, noon, and 6pm and the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Then choose a time for your spiritual reading. If you are out of the house every day, try to plan a time to visit Jesus at your local parish. Parishes in my area are unlocked during the day. If yours is locked, sit in the parking lot facing the tabernacle and make your visit. If possible write down what time of day you can do this. I only go out about twice or three times a week. If you have a similar situation, you will learn to run errands during your “free time”. Set aside a few extra minutes during your errands to make a visit. If you have a carload full of children sometimes the best you can do is pray one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the Holy Father’s intentions aloud then have a few moments of silent prayer to Our Lord hidden in the tabernacle. This is enough. He waits in there because He loves you. Go say hi to Him. If you are able to perform good works, pencil in the time you can dedicate to that next. If you are a busy mom homeschooling or with a house full of small children, remember charity starts at home and you are probably not called to be out evangelizing. Don’t feel bad about this. Time will come for this later. Lastly, write before bedtime, “examination of conscience”. This would be a good time to pray three Hail Marys for purity and to keep you free from moral sin. Go ahead and pencil that in as well. The basic outline of your day is now jotted down with plenty of spirituality built in. Look at all your free time! You may want to block those areas out and think about what chores and activities you will do during these times. Perhaps you can add prayers and devotions here and there. Maybe you have more time for good works than you realized. Or perhaps your day is plum full and you only have time for a few phone calls in the afternoon. It doesn’t matter, what matters is assigning a time for each activity and carrying it through with the intention doing all for the greater glory of God. This is a sure path to holiness. You are well on your way to developing a more meaningful and God-focused interior life. Congratulations! Keep at it. It is hard work but the benefits are great! Top
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