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Everyday Rosary Newsletter -- Mary Is So Much More! February 04, 2012 |
Everyday Rosary Newsletter, Volume 4 Issue #01 -- Why Mary Is So Much More Than Just A Holy Woman Who Said Yes To GodWinter 2011-2012 Greetings! The monthly Everyday Rosary Newsletter is brought to you from the website. In each issue you will find Rosary inspirations, new meditations, feature articles and ideas that support your prayer life, a calendar of upcoming Rosary Feast Days, and how to incorporate your faith in other holidays. Plus stories on how the Rosary has affected the lives of others and what people are doing to promote the Rosary. It will also keep you up-to-date on information added to the site. It is your monthly dose of Rosary inspiration! Table of Contents
A Note From The Editor:It is disturbingly prevalent, even in our Catholic churches, to hear of the Blessed Virgin Mary's role in salvation history and influence during our own times, minimized to that of simply a good woman who said "yes" to God. Her fiat, as it is called, is one of her attributes, but she is much more important and worthy of special honor because of her Immaculate Conception, her divine motherhood and her role as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate The concept of Mary's Immaculate Conception is easily grasped when considering the words of Fr. James B. Buckley, F.S.S.P.:
The Blessed Virgin Mary deserves our highest honor and esteem because she is the Mother of God. Fr. Reginald Marie Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. explained that because she was to be the Mother of God, Mary was more loved by God in the first instant of her being than any angel or saint. By cooperating with God's plan for our salvation, Mary earned the title of Co-Redemptrix, and because through her all graces flow, she is also called the Mediatrix of all Graces. Her special love and care for us, her children, makes her our Advocate. The Blessed Virgin Mary being treated in such an irreverent way is a serious problem. It is a sin against her Immaculate Heart and causes great pains to Our Dear Lord. All Catholics must first, give Mary the special honor she deserves. Second, they must understand the authentic Church teachings about Our Lady. And third, they need to be prepared to defend these teachings when they are brought into question, neglected, or dismissed entirely. Read on to learn why Mary is more than just a holy woman who said yes to God. ArticlesMary, Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix Of All Graces, And Advocate The Church has declared four Marian dogmas, or official teachings about the Blessed Virgin Mary. The four dogmas are...
Mary is the Mother of God and therefore deserves special honor. Anyone can come to the conclusion that Mary is the Mother of God by following this simple logic... Jesus is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Jesus is God. Mary is the mother of Jesus, therefore Mary is the Mother of God. This doctrine is also referred to as Mary's divine motherhood and her divine maternity. The second Marian dogma, Mary is ever Virgin means that she was a virgin when she conceived of the Holy Spirit and remained so for the entirety of her life. The Church has held this truth from the beginning and has defended Mary's Perpetual Virginity for centuries. After carrying Our Lord in her body and giving Him flesh, it is absurd to think that she may have carried other children. Furthermore, tradition tells us of Mary's Presentation. "This occasion was not simply a "presentation" as we understand the word today, but rather it was the official entrance of Mary, at only three years old and at her own request, into the Temple, where she was to live a life of dedication to God in continuous prayer, similar to convent life today. "Mary's parents were obedient to an extraordinary request from God and from Mary to allow the Temple teachers to oversee the formation of Mary because of her singular role in salvation history. Her role and her sinless condition meant she needed a very special formation." -taken from the November 2011 Seton Home Study School Newsletter. Part of this dedicated life of continuous prayer included a vow of chastity. God would not ask Mary to take back this sacred vow. Mary was immaculate and completely pure. She was a virgin before, during and after the birth of Jesus. For this reason we call St. Joseph her most chaste spouse. An outrage that is repeatedly referred to in classrooms and even in sermons is that Mary was an unwed teenage mother. It is such a horrendous and damaging statement because it at least implies a correlation between Mary, Mother of God and Ever Virgin to a teenager who is pregnant out of wedlock. This is a serious crime against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and must stop! Take action if you hear someone speaking this way even if it is just an implication. The third Marian dogma states that Mary was immaculately conceived and was always free from original sin, the sin passed on to us from Adam. Because Jesus would be made flesh through her, by a singular grace, and by the foreseen merits of Christ's death on the cross, Mary was kept free from all stain of sin, both original sin and actual sin which is any sin which we ourselves commit. The fourth dogma is that Mary was gloriously assumed into heaven. Because, Mary was conceived without sin and the Mother of God, Jesus would not allow her body to decay because the devil had no power over her. Jesus took her, body and soul up to Heaven where He had a place prepared for her. There she is now, among the angels and the saints praising God and interceding on our behalf. Many Catholics hope that a fifth and final Marian dogma will be promulgated. This dogma would proclaim that Mary is...
Let’s take a closer look at each of these titles and their significance. This will help you see why Mary is so much more than just a holy woman who said "yes" to God...
Co-Redemptrix - A simple definition of the title Co-Redemptrix is 'one with the Redeemer'. Mary is one with Jesus. She reflects Jesus in all things. Because she cooperated with God's Will she played a key role in our redemption. She even suffered with Jesus while He was on the cross. Mediatrix - By mediatrix of all graces, it is meant that through Mary all graces flow. Now remember none of these concepts are new ideas. There are not new ideas in the Catholic Church, the Church is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. With that said, it is sound doctrine and logical to believe the following... Because of Jesus' sufferings and death on the cross, He merited all the grace necessary for each and everyone of us to attain heaven. These graces flow from God to us. These graces that Jesus merited are handed to us through the hands of Mary. This is fitting because through Mary, Jesus came into the world. He sees fit to send graces to the world likewise, through His Most Holy Mother Mary. Advocate - In a similar but converse manner, Mary is our Advocate. She is our route to God. We ask for the things we need through her. Her intercession is very powerful before the throne of God. Which leads to our meditation on the fifth Glorious Mystery.
Top PicksFruits Of The Rosary Mary is our Advocate, the Co-Redemptrix and the Mediatrix of all Graces, in order to be closer to her and secure her friendship we must pray the Rosary everyday. Contemplating the fruits of each Rosary mystery will help us become more like her on our way to holiness. Fruits of the Joyful Mysteries
Fruits of the Sorrowful Mysteries
Fruits of the Glorious Mysteries
Fruits of the Luminous Mysteries
Praying the Rosary will actually make you grow in virtue and holiness. Just as a good tree produces quality fruits, likewise, the Rosary produces virtue in those who pray it daily. Top How To ChecklistHow to Make Reparation for Sins Committed Against Mary's Immaculate Heart Part of the Fatima message is that reparation must be made for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. What are sins committed against the Immaculate Heart? Well...
Now that you know what is meant by blasphemies against the Immaculate Heart. you can make reparation for them. To do this you must complete the following with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the sins committed against her Immaculate Heart... For five consecutive first Saturdays of the month...
Be successful in this and you will be doing your part in fulfilling Our Lady's requests at Fatima. Special graces are attached to this devotion for it was revealed by the Blessed Mother to Lucia, "I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation all those who, in order to make reparation to me, on the First Saturday of five successive months, go to confession, receive Holy Communion, say five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for a quarter of an hour, meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary." Top
Calendar Of Upcoming Feast DaysThe Presentation of Our Lord - February 2nd This feast day is the Fourth Joyful Mystery. Mary and Joseph presented the baby Jesus to the Lord in the temple in Jerusalem in accordance with the Jewish law that every male child must be presented in the temple and two turtle doves were to be offered as a sacrifice. This is the scene where Simeon, the prophet told Mary that Jesus was "set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted" and that her "own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed." This event is concluded with these words from Sacred Scripture, "The child grew, and waxed strong, full of wisdom; and the grace of God was in him." -Luke 2:40 First Friday, St. Blaise’s Feast Day - February 3rd Jesus asked St. Margaret Mary to spread devotion to His Sacred Heart. A key element to this devotion is making reparation for the sins against His Sacred Heart committed by the whole world. You do this by receiving Communion and going to Confession on the nine consecutive first Fridays of the month. Traditionally, Catholics get their throats blessed on St. Blaise’s feast day. Go to Mass this day and your priest should have people process up as though going to Communion. He will then cross two candles on your throat and pray a special blessing that you will not have sickness of the throat or choke on anything. Through St. Blaise's prayers to God, a boy was miraculously cured of a bone that was stuck in his throat First Saturday - February 4th Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary includes making five first Saturdays of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart. The five first Saturdays of Reparation consist of going to Confession, receiving Communion, praying the Rosary and "keeping her company" for 15 minutes while meditating on all of the Mysteries of the Rosary. Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes - February 11th At Lourdes, the Blessed Virgin Mary emphasized the importance of the Rosary. She actually prayed the Rosary many times with St. Bernadette. Furthermore, Our Lady identified herself as the Immaculate Conception, confirming the this Marian dogma. Learn more about Lourdes here... St. Bernadette’s Feast Day - February 18th St. Bernadette is the peasant girl that the Blessed Mother appeared to at Lourdes, France. Bl. Francisco and Jacinta’s Feast Day - February 20th Blessed Franisco and Bl. Jacinta are two of the three children the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to at Fatima, Portugal. The Rosary is the cornerstone of the Fatima message. Learn more about Fatima here... Ash Wednesday, First Day of Lent - February 22nd The holy and deeply penitent season of Lent begins today. On this day Catholics receive ashes on their foreheads as a reminder that "thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return." This day bears a deep spirit of penance and the thought of the particular judgment that is to follow death. This is a day of fast and abstinence. You must abstain from meat and eat only three meals and no snacks. The first two meals when combined must not equal the third meal. First Friday - March 2nd See above First Saturday - March 3rd See above St. Joseph’s Feast Day - March 19th Good Saint Joseph is the foster father of Jesus. His life was filled with selfless devotion to Jesus and Mary. He is the protector of the Holy Catholic Church, the protector of families and the patron saint of a happy death. Read more about St. Joseph here... The Annunciation - March 26th This feast day is the first Joyful Mystery. The angel Gabriel was sent from God to Mary to ask Mary if she would be the mother of Jesus. Mary answered a humble, "I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to thy word." This answer set the stage for Mary’s life on earth and her role in Salvation. At this time, the Holy Spirit overshadowed her and Jesus was made incarnate in her womb. Top ResourcesRosary Gift Resources
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TestimonialsWe love to hear from our visitors. Here is what a recent visitor had to say about"Thank you for the message. I am reciting the Rosary everyday as our family prayer." -Louis Ferrao
Top Q&AThis Question Was Recently Asked Using Our Contact Us Page...Are there special graces or is the Rosary especially strong if it is said by a group rather than alone? In Sacred Scripture, Our Lord says:
This verse is often quoted to show the power of group prayer. This certainly would include praying the Rosary as a group but is not exclusive to the Rosary. Besides this Scripture verse, many Popes have encouraged group Rosaries. Here are two notable quotes from Blessed Pope Pius IX: "Give me one million families praying the Rosary and the world is saved." and, "If you desire peace in your hearts, in your homes, in your country, assemble every evening to recite the Rosary." Saints have also encouraged the formation of Rosary prayer groups. St. Louis Marie de Montfort, the most prominent of them, said, "When people say the Rosary together it is far more formidable to the devil than one said privately, because in this public prayer it is an army that is attacking. It is very easy to break a single stick, but if you join it to others to make a bundle, it cannot be broken. In union, there is strength."
He listed these five benefits to group Rosary prayer in his book The Secret of the Rosary...
It is strongly suggested to form Rosary groups especially during these troubling times of economic and social upheaval. Pray for the Church. Pray to end abortion and euthanasia. Pray for lasting peace. Pray for the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart. And Pray especially for the Holy Father's intentions. Please visit the Ask A Rosary Question Section on the website and ask your questions. You are encouraged to answer questions that have been posted there as well. What's NewA Glimpse Into The Next Newsletter Next Newsletter - Lent Edition New On The Site - Quick Links Page We listened to our visitors suggestions and came up with a Quick Links page for people who are already familiar with the Rosary and want a quick and simple Rosary guide complete with illustrations and Scripture verses. It is a convenient way to view the mysteries and their fruits while you pray. Check it out by clicking here... Coming soon to - Group Rosary Page Our Group Rosary page explains in detail why group Rosary prayers are so special. It outlines how to pray the Rosary as a group. And it gives tips on how to start a prayer group or block Rosary. Thank You!Thank you for reading! Keep visiting and remember we love hearing from you. Please use the "contact us" page to leave any and all suggestions or comments. In the months leading up to Lent, I pray your faith will be strengthened and your devotion to the Rosary deepened. Pray for us O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. To Jesus through Mary, Kathleen Bowen and The Rosary Team P.S. If you like this newsletter and are looking for an easy way to promote the Rosary, please "email it forward" to someone you know who might appreciate it. If a friend did forward this to you and you like what you read, please subscribe now! As our site and community grows, I hope that you drop me a line and tell me how the Rosary is working in your life! Did a personal transformation take place in your life that was inspired by something on our site? Share it with the rest of us! Often, having a support community really keeps you going. Feel free to send in tips or questions too! We love mail! Everyday Rosary Newsletter is our personal Rosary newsletter and it may accept advertising and other forms of compensation. Such compensation does not influence the information in this newsletter. We always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences etc... for more on how our site is compensated please visit our advertising and disclosures page. |
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