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Blessed Virgin Helps With Babysitter

by Nan
(Los Angeles)

I have a very demanding career and so when my first child was born, my ex-husband and I decided that we would need a full time live-in nanny to help with caring for our daughter. My ex-husband was in law enforcement and had equally long hours.

During my daughter's first six months, we went through two nannies - the first fell ill and had to go home and the second had a family emergency and had to stay home. By this time, I was getting desperate. I did not want to leave my infant daughter in a day care center or with just anybody. I wanted a nanny who would care for her and love her as if she was her own.

It was then that I turned to Mama Mary. As a mother herself, I knew she would completely understand my fears and concerns for my child. More than once, I would stand in front of Mama Mary's statue in church - she holding the Baby Jesus and me holding my own baby daughter begging her in tears to lead me to a nanny for my daughter.

And then one day, a month before I was to return to work, the agency sent us a lady who was perfect. She was wonderful and ended up staying with us for eleven years. In that time, she became a surrogate mom not only to my children but also to me. Her name? Maria de los Angeles or Mary of the Angels.

I know this was NO coincidence. The Blessed Mother sent her to me. This was her sure sign that it was she who had interceded with the Baby Jesus and obtained the grant of my fervent request.

Have faith in heaven and you will NEVER be disappointed.

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A moving testimony
by: Anonymous

I am very grateful to you for sharing your wonderful story. Our Divine Mother knew what was going in your heart and manifested Her sweet motherly grace in your life.

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