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Chance To Hear Angels

by Natalie

The Assumption of the Virgin by Francesco Botticini at the National Gallery London, shows three hierarchies and nine orders of angels, each with different characteristics. [Photo uploaded by The Rosary Team]

The Assumption of the Virgin by Francesco Botticini at the National Gallery London, shows three hierarchies and nine orders of angels, each with different characteristics. [Photo uploaded by The Rosary Team]

In the spring of 2005 while I was praying, I decided that I wanted to ask God for a special grace that I needed. I prayed to St. Jude and other saints and prayed the Rosary. I asked with faith that I wanted to get a chance to hear angels. Praying until 5 months later I heard my first angel. I was trying to go to sleep and I heard this angelic choir sing. I told my mom can you hear the angels singing? This I said because I told my mom that I couldn’t sleep since there was noise in my room. My mom said I don’t hear anything, stop making things up! I heard it whenever I said my Rosary. I tried telling other people that I heard them but they wouldn’t believe me. This only happened from 2005-2007. I never got to see them but when I would go to sleep I would hear their harps and their singing. My mom asked me how come I cannot hear or see them? My response to her is that you might not have enough faith.
To this day I miss hearing them but I remember when I could of. My grandmother thought I was going nuts.

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this is very inspiring
by: prayingtherosarytoo

WOW!!!!! AS IN WOW!!!! i believe you, your are blessed. i wanna hear them too, you inspired me because i thought that if i want a sign from mama Mary if i expected, but you, you expect to hear angels and you did. oh i wanna continue praying the rosary because i wanna smell like a scent of roses

Angels In My Life!
by: E.A.C.H.

Practicing Martial arts my whole life since I was a small boy, I'm able to free my mind quite easily and it becomes very calm. On may way to work one night I was in this happy state just enjoying the warm night air with very little traffic on the road. All of a sudden I was struck from behind Bam!

My car went end over end four times before landing upside down smashed into the ground on top of me. Now this happen so fast that it was over in seconds. When I felt the thunderous Bam! The only thing I remember is saying "Oh God I'm in an accident". And I remember seeing a giant ghostly white appearance that looked like an angel. Was this my Guardian Angel?

My car was as flat as a pancake, the passenger seat was so smashed like a potato chip but for some reason my seat went all the way back as my car was flipping over and over was this the doing of my Guarding Angel?

I believe so because after I was released from the hospital and had to get my personal effects from the wrecking yard I found the drivers seat wasn't broken at all it was in perfect working order. Now before I walked in on crutches to get my things my girl friend went in first but she seen the car and what a horrible shape it was in came out crying her eyes out so bad she couldn't do it. By all means nobody could or should have survived.

After going through physical therapy for a year, a year to the day, I was struck by another drunk driver this time I was on my motorcycle. My neck and back are a little messed up but I'm still here. Thanks be to God. I love him with all my heart and soul.

Treasure This Grace!!
by: Anonymous

I believe you!! What a grace!!!!! Treasure it!!!

Chance To Hear Angels
by: Anonymous

I believe you. You are not going nuts!
I believe I heard an Angel too, about 10yrs.ago and I did not go nuts. It happened while I was praying the Rosary. I heard someone praying the Rosary with me. Only his voice was low pitched, without energy,getting slower and slower: very much like a tape in a tape recorder when its batteries are dying down. So I said, "in the Name of God who are you?". He answered:"I am the Angel of Echo-es!"

I felt really ashamed of myself. I realized I was only rattling off my Rosary. I was praying as if I was "bored to death". I realiized if I love Our Blessed Mother I should talk to Her with energy and love, i.e. with meaning and my whole body, mind heart and soul,because I truly love Her.

by: Anonymous

hi. i want you to know that i believe you. just don't stop believing. by the way: how do they sound like?

Surrounded By Angels As We Pray
by: The Rosary Team

Nobody has to believe your story to make it real. What a special privilege you received from God. Even people with great faith have not experienced this privilege. But that doesn't mean that many others have seen or heard angels. Thank you for sharing your story. It is an inspiration indeed to visualize angels singing as we pray our Rosaries even though we cannot see them, your story helps us realize they are there.

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