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Evil Symbol On Rosary

by Janice

I believe it was one of the last two weeks of May, I got in the car and was listening to Immaculate Heart Radio, and picked up on the last part of the broadcast. The caller said that some rosaries have a evil symbol shown above Jesus on the cross, and that her friend would sleep with rosary for protection but would have nightmares, and it's not good to hang the rosary on your bedpost.

I have e-mailed Immaculate Heart Radio for more information because I listened to the last part of the broadcast. It frightened me and confused me, because I leave my rosary on the nightstand next to my bed, and sometimes I fall asleep praying the rosary. I don't see any type of symbols above Jesus on the cross of my rosary.

And visiting your website, I have found out I'm leaving out 2 prayers during my rosary, and how can that affect the rosary when I pray.

Thank you

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Superstition and Faith Never Mix
by: Jerald Franklin Archer

Your post is a little confusing, but I get the general idea. If you caught the last half of the broadcast, then there has to have had to have been more. I think you are misunderstanding something, as it is illogical to have any evil symbol on such a blessed item as a rosary and then use it for good. There are some, however, who do abuse the rosary and deface it for evil purposes for others to bear witness to their depravity. I would have liked to have heard the broadcast myself. I suspect there is more to it, or the speaker was talking of other symbolic meanings, I cannot know.

We must bear in mind to fight the natural human inclination to treat the physical rosary itself as some "magick charm" or protective talisman. Superstition is born out of ignorance. It is the faith we possess that our prayers are heard that matters. As they did in the old days, one could use pebbles or seeds to count the prayers if necessary.

The Rosary (in itself) is just a tool, but like any sacrament or blessed sacramental, should be treated with respect and reverence. To the faithful the Rosary can be a powerful symbol in itself. Just wear it on your belt, and watch the questions come rolling in. One should always be prepared to answer them properly. Dominus Vobiscum.

So Called New Age Rosaries
by: The Rosary Team

We have heard of this, rosaries having demonic symbols on them. They are sometimes referred to as "new age" rosaries. But we have not been able to confirm whether this is silly superstition or something more serious.

We will contine to look into it over the next couple of days and weeks but for now, we would like to address your question as follows:
Dear Janice,

The Rosary is a beautiful prayer honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary and meditating upon the mysteries in the life of Jesus Christ. There is absolutely no harm in falling asleep as you pray the Rosary. As a matter of fact, I personally have heard a Dominican priest give a sermon encouraging this habit as a good way to end the day and keep your thoughts focused on Our Lord as you fall asleep.

We would encourage people not to get too legalistic in their thinking on the "ABCs of Rosary conduct". It is a private devotion and there is no right way or wrong way to pray the Rosary. The concluding prayers we teach on this site are the custom in our part of the United States. Possibly some of these prayers are left out in other cultures or perhaps other prayers are added. The Domincan Rosary differs slightly from the way it is taught on this site as well. Every one should be saying the Fatima Prayer at the end of each decade however, as Our Lady specifically requested this to be added.

Our suspicion is that the prayers you have not been saying are the St. Michael prayer and the prayer from the Breviary. These are lovely additions to the concluding prayers of the Rosary, but the Rosary could end with the Hail Holy Queen. So do not fret, you may include these prayers or leave them out and your Rosary will not be effected in anyway.

Secondly, the rosary beads themselves should be blessed by a Catholic priest. This would "transform" them from a mere material object like a rock for instance into a holy sacramental. It would be our thinking, and again, we will try to confirm this with a priest or other authority on the matter, that if a set of so-called "new-age" rosary beads was blessed by a Catholic priest, this blessing would transform it into a sacramental and would negate any demonic influence that may be attached to it.

One other point that should be addressed is that sleeping with a rosary for "protection" is superstitious. If people feel they need some form of protection they should make use of holy water and blessed St. Benedict medals. Remember sacramentals must never be used as a form of superstition.

Much Needed Clarification On So-called New Age Rosaries
by: The Rosary Team

This document, put out by the St. Philomena Living Rosary Association should be read by all. We, the Rosary Team will continue to look into this controversy but for now we feel this document is from a reliable source, stands to sound reason and is more accurate and believable than any of the warnings we have read about the so-called New Age or Satanic Rosaries.

We would be quicker to believe that it is a plot by Communists or Freemasons to get Catholics to throw away their rosaries and stop praying the prayer altogether, as the above referenced document suggests.

Just think of all the missionaries who have lovingly given away these inexpensive rosaries just to have them all broken and thrown out. What a shame.

Do not break or throw your rosaries away, rather have them blessed by a Catholic priest if you are concerned. If your rosary is old, ruined or no longer useful, burn it in a fire or bury it. This is the only proper way to dispose of a sacramental.

Your Own Heart Speaks Your Own Truth
by: Anonymous

Whatever you believe of something has to be from your heart - listen to it for your own truth! Not someone elses say so. If everyone listened carefully to their own hearts. The world would be a far better place. Blessings.

Truth of the matter about Truth
by: Jerald Franklin Archer

Anonymous, you are presenting a rather general and idealistic view of the matter when it concerns discerning the truth of anything. If one has a question that needs to be answered than the Church Herself should always be consulted first and foremost. From there, a solid direction will be achieved in finding the truth. As the Church teaches Christ, She teaches truth and one either accepts it or not. If a Catholic decides that a teaching is not for them, they are not really a Catholic at all.

Human hearts that have attempted to follow (and listen) to their own ?truths? have proven that we can err in judgment in discerning the truth altogether, always producing disastrous results. There are many incidents in history (the Reformation, the French Revolution, the Holocaust and abortion) where people followed their hearts?we must take history as an example of what can happen if one does this. The word ?truth? itself is over-used and too often user defined, which has produced countless of preachers and books that have only confused people for centuries. The human heart is deceptive, as it is not inclined to the act of sacrifice, which is necessary in order to fully please God. The human heart is naturally inclined to please the "self" first.

It is not saying that we should not use reason in the discernment process, just that we as human beings need direction from the Church, who is more capable and possesses experience that we will never achieve in a lifetime, when serious considerations are to be met in any decision. In real essence, the world would be a better place if they would listen more to the Church and not their own hearts. Unity is achieved through the agreement of a truth, not the compromise of them.

We must learn to discern spirits properly through prayer and asking the right questions from the right persons. The word "discern" may be specially used to describe a process of thought, analysis, meditation, contemplation, and prayer in arriving at a solution to a question. One supposes that any larger question in one's life may be "discerned." It goes without saying that in the process of the discernment, you seek the counsel of others. But ultimately it is the one person who discerns God's will in arriving at an answer, or, in secular terms, in discerning the truth.

If a decision is made using our hearts, we must ask one question at least: Is the final decision for the Glory of God, or the glory or satisfaction of ourselves? If we make a mistake by ignorance, we are not at fault, but if we are obstinate in believing our own created truths, after we know and realize the real truth (as taught by the Catholic Church) than we are guilty of a serious sin.

Broken Rosary Untouched
by: Hello Help

Please help me, I took off my Rosary to shower.
I finished dressing and went to reach for my Rosary only to find my rosary rip to shreds on the kitchen counter. I was shocked. I am having the house blessed by a priest from my Caholic church. Can somebody please tell me what it means to have Broken.

Ripped Rosary
by: Anonymous

Do you have a cat?

Hello Help
by: Anonymous

You had your rosary ripped off at the kitchen counter. Isn't it a blessing that you are having your house bless?

It could probably time for you to buy a new one or maybe someone will give you another one.

In my experience before, I gave my favorite wood colored rosary to a special child who would only go to church if someone gives her a rosary. To make her walk, I gave her mine. Though how much I love it, I have to give. Then I was invited to attend a vigil and there I was given a new colored wood rosary that came from their pilgrimage tour in Europe. Nice right?

by: Anonymous

I think it's a bit ludicrous to say that Freemasons have made a plot to get all Catholics to dispose of their rosaries. Most Freemasons, from who I've spoken with, seem to have no interest in destroying anyone's beliefs. It's their all-inclusive, almost unitarian way of looking at the afterlife that is the problem. Most Freemasons are just old men who want to be a part of a fraternity. Let's not make them out to be evil warlocks.

Communists...maybe. Communism is more anti-religion than anything.

There are a lot of New Age rosaries out there, Wiccan rosaries, Satanic rosaries, etc. Those are usually labeled as such. I think if it has a pentagram, moon, upside-down cross or a goat's head, it should be obvious.

That said, I highly doubt most rosaries would have evil symbols on them. Luckily, the internet has many sources in regards to Catholic symbolism to checkout. And of course, when getting the rosary blessed, if there is a symbol you're unsure of, ask the priest. They should know.

These are not to be used
by: Anonymous

As an ex-occultist these most definitely are demonic - I should know I used to be a white witch. Satan - the great deceiver - will do anything to destroy the Rosary. Note too that these plastic Rosaries usually given out free do not have INRI on them. This means that there is no depiction of Christ. The coiled serpent behind - what is that then? Or the 5 points i.e. pentagram.

"New Age rosaries"
by: Steven

I don't know how old this comment thread is, but i hope to impart some experience with these "new age" rosaries. They are real. They have these distinguishing characteristics: At each of the 4 points of the cross, the points are in the shape of a 5 sided 'pentagram', there are what look like 'bat heads' or 'demon heads.' These heads may be covered over by a circle with an indentation in the center, but you can still see the 'ears' pointing out. This is very clear. What isn't so clear are the other symbols. Coming up from the center of the cross, along Jesus' back, is a pole with a curvy line, going back and forth, which is supposed to be a serpent twisting along a pole, with its head's even to Jesus'. They come in black, baby blue, pink, white, (that is only what I've seen so far.)

These are the cheapest-made plastic rosaries, strung with string so that the beads do not spin or move. The center piece doesn't have any symbols on it, they are the type that looks like it was snapped in place. These are given out at pilgrimages, and no one knows where they come from or who manufactures them.

I don't know for sure that they are evil, I have not heard any stories of them causing problems. It is difficult to see a serpent on it and that could be explained away as something else easily, but the demon/bat heads i have seen very clearly, and that is enough for me.

I am a campus minister in NY, I heard about these, then the Pastoral Assistant and I found some in the basement of our parish church. I don't want to spread alarm, but I do hope to caution people. Again, I don't know if these could cause problems, I would think that Jesus and Mary are more powerful than some plastic and string, and that our prayers could not be thwarted by some symbols, but perhaps it is the strength of our faith, and the danger comes in when these rosaries are given to those weak in faith or have no faith at all. Or maybe they can influence our children who are niaeve and innocent. Talk to your priest or bishop.

"New Age rosaries"
by: Steven

I'd also like to add, that these were mentioned on EWTN. But please do your own web search and see images for yourself and read stories.

Realize also, this could be a ploy to get us to destroy our rosaries. It could be a double ploy, to create evil-looking rosaries, spread them about, and ensue panic to get us to destroy all rosaries, evil and non-evil. So please be careful not to spread such panic.

Consult your trusted priest or bishop.


Use Holy Oil On Your Rosary
by: Anonymous

When wearing your rosary put some holy oil on it. I put oil on my rosary like 30 or 40 times a day and maybe even more times.

Evil wants to deter praying of the rosary
by: Anonymous

to those who are still not in the know of these rosaries that are floating around apparition sites of Our Blessed Mother, please google EWTN(Eternal Word channel), and further search 'satanist rosary'. It will explain properly these rosaries that are being given free deceptively at these Apparition Sites. This is an attack on Our Blessed Mother and Her son, Our Saviour.

Don't Panic
by: MAC

I was just alerted to these rosaries yesterday by a friend who works in ministry at a center dedicated to our Lady and the Holy Spirit in Cincinnati.

Since I have college kids and am also a convert I am highly sensitive to anything that can lead a person into error especially anything New Age. After reading the link my friend sent which leads to a video about these rosaries I began to ponder the issue.

Today I found to my alarm that one of the rosaries I had given to my college son to encourage him to pray the rosary is exactly such a 'dodgy' rosary only I had purchased mine from a local Catholic book store because it has the mysteries written on square blocks as the Our Father beads. I thought this was a great tool for those of us who have a hard time remembering which one next.

So I decided to do my own research which is how I came across this site BUT to my alarm I also saw MANY websites talking about and advertising Satanic Rosaries for the use of spells etc. I did not open any of them but just the search engine one line comments and picture results were enough to prove to me that YES there are such things as satanic rosaries! Then again why should one be surprised, the rosary is a powerful weapon according to Saint Padre Pio so of course Satan would try to replicate it, usurp it and stop people from praying it.

That being said as I look at the one I purchased that has the so called pentagram and the serpent with it's head facing mouth open towards Jesus I do not feel alarm. Let us look at this rationally:

1 - We Know the battle was won on the cross.

2 - Don't forget that the serpent was what the Israelites had to look at as Moses (or was it Aaron) held up for them to be healed in the desert which is why it is the symbol of the medical field. Jesus is our divine healer.

3 - Mary crushes the head of the serpent as foretold by God in the scriptures.

4 - The points of the cross that has the suns in the 5 sided pentagrams could actually depict the fact that Jesus is the son of God?

5 - Further more than one I have has the joining center point depiction of Mary and the baby on one side and the sacred heart of Jesus on the other plus the oblong beads telling you which mystery to meditate on for that decade such as "the Annunciation", " The Resurrection" and honestly I do not think that Satan would want a person remembering to meditate on the very things that marked his defeat.

That being

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