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Give Them To Her (Him)!

by Mary

After a pilgrimage in 1991, I returned home with a pair of rosary beads whose links changed from silver to gold while there. I was praying for my twin brother who had died the year before and asking her to give me a sign that he was saved.

The sign was immediate. At that time, the medal on these white crystal beads depicted Our Lady with her head surrounded by twelve stars. These stars turned gold after my prayer. I was, of course, shocked and happy at the same time. I WAS SO HAPPY BUT STILL SHAMEFULLY DOUBTED AND SAID IMMEDIATELY AFTER THAT, "IF THAT WAS A SIGN, DEAR LADY, PLEASE LET A BIRD FALL RIGHT HERE AT MY FEET...AND IT DID!

Back to my rosary. Just the STARS had turned gold. It was only after my hour in the Adoration chapel that the links on the rosary turned gold. Now these rosaries were SO SPECIAL to me because Mary had answered my prayer on these beads. I treasured them!

One day my sister-in-law came over and after telling her my story, I showed her the beads to which she replied, "OH!" in amazement. I heard at that moment in my heart, "Give them to her!" I immediately gave her the beads closing her hands around them and saying, "Our Lady wants you to have them!"

To make a VERY long story short, from that point on, all my beads left my hands with the same words heard in my heart, "Give them to her (him)! And each time that I gave away my rosaries, new pairs would come to me miraculously!!

Every rosary I use for a time changes to gold. Not only that, many times, I have experienced the fragrance of beautiful roses as I feel are "thank yous" or "I love you" or "I am still with you"...SHE IS SO WONDERFUL!!!!! I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO SAY THE DAILY ROSARY AND DO NOT GIVE IT UP!! YOU HELP IN THE CONVERSION OF SINNERS AND IT PLEASES OUR BLESSED LORD AND HIS BEAUTIFUL MOTHER BEYOND WORDS!!!

Who could not love Our Blessed Mother who is so good, so kind, so willing to help us and save us? I praise God for the great gift of Mary whose one goal is to lead us to Jesus Christ!

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Tired of Rejection
by: Anonymous

Please pray for me, I experience rejection everywhere.

by: Mary

Angel, I will pray for you. Our Lady hears every prayer and asks that we offer our sufferings for sinners and keep in mind the words of Our Lord, "Jesus, I TRUST in You!" Our Lord says that sometimes He creates frightening situations to test our confidence in Him. He hears every prayer and never leaves you. Please TRUST that He hears and knows your sufferings and WILL answer you. In the meantime, pray for patience and pray to the Holy Spirit asking for His gift of patience.

Please pray!
by: Angel

Please pray for me, please ask mother to enter my life and to give me the grace of a wonderful miracle. I am going through the worst kind of suffering. Thank you!

Beautiful Story
by: Anonymous

It's amazing how Mary speaks to us in our hearts, slowly changing us and providing miracle after miracle. Just as Mary urged Jesus to turn the water into wine, she turned the rosary chains from silver to gold. Thank you for sharing!

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