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How Can I Follow The Promtings Of The Holy Spirit

Mary went out of her way to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was expecting a child. This made Elizabeth very happy, plus the baby in her womb was very happy as stated in Luke 1:41, "And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit."

Through my confirmation I was filled with the Holy Spirit as Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit upon her encounter with Jesus in Mary’s womb.

How often do I go out of my way to let the Holy Spirit work through me to make others happy?

Can I make a commitment to visiting the sick, elderly, lonely or dying during this Lenten season to brighten someone’s day?

Can I invite people over for a cup of tea or coffee that I do not usually associate with and show a genuine interest in their lives?

Can I help a young family with any chores that need to be taken care of?

By meditating on this mystery, help me to be less selfish and think of how I can bring joy and peace to other’s lives.

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Mar 19, 2011
Holy Resignation
by: Jerald Archer

I understand your situation and it is good you are aware of such things. My advice is based purely on my own experiences, so take that in mind.

Firstly, offer yourself as a servant of God before you offer yourself a servant of another human being. Do all things to please God only, and that will in turn generate the working of the Holy Ghost in all you do. Don't think about anything except pleasing God, and as always what His Holy Will may be. He will show you and you will see and know. It is a very mysterious thing, one which cannot really be analyzed or explained with words alone. In other words, don't plan to really make plans, but rather allow yourself to give in to Holy Resignation to the Will of God, which will be enough.

Don't be discouraged if it seems nothing is happening, when in reality it is: you are unaware of it for the sake of keeping personal pride in check. It is human nature to seek praise for ones actions, but humility is the key that truly opens the soul to the workings of the Holy Ghost.

Always pray for wisdom in all matters. Prayer is the first and foremost action that will help in your being made more aware of what is happening. Pray for discernment of spirits as this is sometimes too often overlooked. We hope that all of our actions may be of a genuine charity, but as we are only human, sometimes we decieve ourselves in thinking we are doing good for another, when in reality we may be seeking personal satisfaction. I think you understand this, and the discernment is working, as you seem to be aware of this. Your concern is a sign that the Holy Ghost is working well already.

Think in simple ways to please God. You will be amazed that it is often the most least of actions that helped this person or that, which can be as simple as one spoken word or a act of charity done without any thought or consideration for yourself. True charity stems from sacrifice, but God always pays back in great interest, the gifts we give to others of ourselves.

The bottom line here is to just let go and let God work in you. It is really that simple. God Bless you and your family.

Pray the Rosary--wear the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt.Carmel.

Dominus Vobiscum,

J.F. Archer

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