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How To Focus While Praying The Rosary? (specifically)

by Erica B.

I'm a Catholic girl of thirteen years of age. I want to be closer with God, so about a month ago I decided to pray the Rosary every day. Sadly, I don't have the best attention span. My thoughts race, I think of what I last watched or something around that area. Yet, that was my first time actually saying the Rosary with meaning! I did it for about 13-15 days, most of the time I cried while saying it. I never did actually feel sad, just a little overwhelmed? I got choked up on most of the days. Yet sometime during the prayer when my mind started to wander (after or before crying) I mentally slap
Myself saying to focus for Jesus. I can't help it though!

So today I decided to pray the Rosary ( I just finished) I teared up a bit. See, a couple of months ago my dad decided to just leave us, no word no anything, he rarely picks up his phone and I believe sinning. My mother has certain medical issues and can only get smaller jobs (she is a caretaker) and she is old (51) so it is taking a toll.

My family had always had problems, but it is pretty bad and awkward right now, so I believe my choice is to pray the Rosary as Mother
Mary will never ignore her children alongside with believers of the Lord! So is there any advice? Sorry this is so long...

(Also a long time ago I heard each time you say the Rosary your guardian angel is to the right of you weaving a crown of roses to give to Mary, while the devil is to your left trying to get you to put down your Rosary. Afterwards, I'd like to innocently joke around apologizing to Mary about making a sloppy crown since I mess up my words or daze out often~)

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Focus on the Rosary
by: Anonymous

Before you begin with your rosary, just sit or kneel and think of all your problems 1st and feel it and then let your voice begin to say Apostle Creed with "I believe" at very 1st stage of Rosary prayer. Before all this ask holy mother to help to increase your faith ,hope and love with help of the holy spirit.
Hope you'll will able to overcome.

Keep at it
by: Anonymous

Believe in the Rosary....Its wonders are amazing...It has helped me soo much in such a short span of time.....Focus comes with more and more recitations, hence patience is the key....Keep it up and I'm sure you'll get what you truly desire...God bless you, dear :)

How to focus while praying the Rosary?
by: Anonymous

You're on the right track by resorting to the Rosary. I believe that it would be a great help to meditate on the scene/mystery, picturing it out it in your mind as a film that you're watching.

You can also note some details alongside while it is happening like for example in the Wedding at Cana. This depicts the importance of starting a life being centered on God and relying on Him in everything through Mother Mary. And as such, expect Her intercession and God's unfailing providence.

It would also be a great help to read some books that would aid you in picturing out what happens in a mystery. It may be the bible verses corresponding to the it or other books like the Mystical City of God (highly recommended)which you can read online.

God bless!

How to focus while praying the Rosary?
by: Anonymous

It would help a lot to read this online for meditation while praying the Rosary:

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