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Is 'Pray For Us Sinners' Necessary?

by Mayengo Ronnie
(Kampala, Uganda)

The latter part of the prayer 'Hail Mary' says 'pray for us sinners' yet, 2 corinthians 5:17 in the Bible says that when we accept Christ through getting saved, then we are no longer sinners.

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Self Interpretation Of Scripture
by: Jerald Archer

You are interpreting scripture in the wrong way.

Even after we accept Christ, which places us in the position of being a "new creation", we still must maintain our relationship with God. We do this through prayer, devotions, the sacrament of penance (confession) and especially through the regular reception of the Holy Eucharist. As Catholics, we are in the process of constantly being "born again". The whole subject of being "born again" is often one of great confusion and I urge you to ask a priest about it, as it is too involved to cover here.

As for the part in the Hail Mary, we ask Mary to pray for us, as we are all sinners. This is the Communion of Saints. Your question should be answered by the sheer fact that the Church cannot or does not err in Her teachings. If that part of the Hail Mary were not correct, it would not be there.

If we were not sinners, we would no longer need Christ. This is what is being believed if one takes the scripture literally in some passages.

The protestant doctrine of "once saved, always saved" is a great error that allows some individuals to justify sin in their lives--it is the "easy road" that will lead to Hell. Beware of preachers who tell you it is a truth. Only someone who knows the truth can preach the truth.

Only the teaching of the Catholic Church are truth, as they are the teachings of Christ Himself.

The Holy Bible is our greatest resource, but as the Church existed before the Bible (as we know it), it holds supreme authority in both the interpretation of scripture. There has never been any good that has ever come out of the practice of Sola Scriptura.

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