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Life Has Changed Since Praying The Rosary

by G

Since I've started praying the rosary daily, these have happened in my life:

1. My uncontrollable temper has subsided. I am happier and more patient.

2. My family's bond has strengthened. Broken relationships have been healed.

3. I passed all my subjects in school. A failing grade of mine from last semester was CHANGED to a passing mark. No joke.

4. Skin problems that I've been battling with have been cured.

5. I met "the one." And Mother Mary continues to bless our relationship.

6. I've reconciled with people I cut ties with.

7. All my needs have been answered by God. I see miracles on a daily basis.

8. My outlook in life has changed profoundly. I am hardwired to believe that anything is possible. I am empowered to proclaim victory over any situation in the name of Jesus.

9. I am always protected, even when I do not specifically ask for it. The enemy flees the moment I utter Mother Mary's name.

The rosary is immensely powerful. Pray it daily and watch how your life changes.

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by: Anonymous

Well done, brilliant, Holy Mary will never let you down.

Ave Maria
by: Anonymous

Yes its right I believe in praying Rosary.

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The rosary will make virtue and good works flourish, and will obtain for souls the most abundant divine mercies. It will draw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

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