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Meditating On The Mysteries For Beginners

by Rebecca Bardwell

Could someone help me please?
I want to start praying the rosary but unsure about how to start? I understand how the rosary is prayed but am a beginner to this. Haven't learnt all the prayers of by heart yet and my concentration isn't great. I don't feel able to recite all the prayers and meditate on the mysteries at same time. Do you think I could just practice and recite the prayers only and then when I've got used to that then start on meditating the mysteries? Worried it's not going to be the same with same benefits? Been putting it off because I don't feel able to do both yet. Still don't know all the prayers either and feel I'm going to struggle with just the prayers as it is for the moment. Can someone please advise me on this?
Thanks ever so much

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Rosary Request
by: Marvie

Hello Becca,
Whatever help you need regarding prayers, you can visit online and go to any Catholic sites and this will guide you on how to start praying. I hope this will help you...God always understands and He is aware of your intent to do the prayers right, He will guide you Him!

How To Get Started Praying The Rosary
by: The Rosary Team

That is great that you want to know how to get started praying the Rosary. First of all. Don't get discouraged or put it off. That is probably the devil trying to stop you from praying.

Praying the Rosary is like learning to ride a bike. It is scary and uncomfortable at first but soon it will become second nature.

Start by memorizing and praying the prayers and the rhythm of the Rosary. Then begin memorizing the mysteries and learn as much as you can about each mystery. Spiritual books such as The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and The Glories of Mary as well as the Bible will help you become familiar with events in Jesus life and give you some good food for thought as far as meditations are considered. When you feel you are ready, combine the vocal prayers you have been reciting with mental prayer.

You will probably spend about two weeks just saying the prayers without any meditation. During this time do your reading at a different time than your Rosary. By the end of the two weeks you will probably be ready to try meditating while you are saying the prayers.

If it doesn't come natural at first don't worry. Pray for the grace to learn how to combine mental and vocal prayer. If you are distracted that is okay too. The only time distraction is not okay and undermines the benefits of prayer is when it is willful.

Start praying the Rosary today!

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