Mormon Gains Respect For The Rosary
by Larry
Over 20 years ago my family began asking me to start making stone rosaries since I bead and make necklaces. I met with the local Priest and he took time to sit with me and explain the rosary.
All too often people jump to conclusions that Catholics pray to idols when what they are doing is nothing of the sort.
After the Priest (Monsignor Sullivan) checked and blessed my rosaries that I had brought with me he told me that when a devout Catholic prays the rosary they meditate on the birth, life, mission, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ moving slowly across each bead.
Ever since then when I buy the beads I touch them and try to picture the person praying with that certain stone and sometimes I don't buy them because it does not feel right. I know that sounds strange but I know people appreciate them.
I took over 30 handmade rosaries with me to Guatemala and gave them to a family that we have there and to see the appreciation for something so sacred to them made me feel honored to be a part of something they respected so much.
My 13 year old son is now learning to bead and help me with the rosaries and necklaces. So thank you to all of the Catholics that are being good examples of what Christ said when he said "If ye love me keep my commandments." By praying the rosary you are becoming closer to Him and his Father.
Larry Love
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