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My First Rosary Has Endured For Over 40 Years

by Steve
(Cincinnati, OH)

As with many young Catholics, I have received numerous "religious" gifts on various occasions: Bibles, medals, scapulars, etc. When we were preparing to receive our First Holy Communion, my second grade class was given the opportunity to pick out a special religious item. I don't remember what all was available, but I clearly remember the various styles of rosaries displayed on the table. A rosary was definitely what I wanted.

I picked out my rosary - with its simple crucifix, brown, wood-looking beads, and the two-sided medal with the images of Jesus and Mary connecting the decades into their loop. Nothing flashy or spectacular, but beautiful none the less in its simplicity. It was clearly the one for me.

That was over 40 years ago. Over that time, I have lost or discarded (sadly) many of those early gifts. But my first rosary has endured. Even during the years where my Catholic practices were infrequent or non-existent, I always knew where my rosary was. And today, I carry that rosary with me just about wherever I go. I use it on special occasions and for special intentions. I have many rosaries - some that were gifts, some that were souvenirs (I have one that I purchased while visiting the Vatican), and some "ring/pocket" rosaries that I carry with me at all times and give away to others. But none is more special than that first rosary that I was drawn to some 40 years ago.

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My First Rosary Has Endured For Over Forty Years
by: Tina

I think it is nice you cherish your Rosary in a holy way. I inherited my Mother`s silver Rosary 35 years ago after she died. She had it for many years before that. I was reminded of the French scientist Louis de Pasteur who said his "rosary was as precious to him as his own eyes were."

A friend of mine converted from being Lutheran to Roman Catholic. She very proudly showed me her Rosary which her aunt, who was apparently Catholic, and passed away, had given her. At first it looked like an ordinary white beaded rosary.

The very next instant it looked like bouquets and bouquets of beautiful white flowers, where each bead should have been. (It may be difficult to imagine, but it can be compared to a photograph of a hundred people. or one with twenty people. The size is still the same). I was stumped, so I did not say anything.

We then started praying the Rosary and it began to dawn on me that my friend's aunt had said a lot of rosaries. Hence so many flowers from each bead. The big flowers were presumably the well said Hail Marys, the medium sized ones not so well, and the tiny ones were probably those distracted ones. To me this was a consolation: that even our tiny flowers can go to making a
beautiful bouquet for Our Blessed Mother.

So all your prayed Rosaries will be very beautiful too.

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The rosary will make virtue and good works flourish, and will obtain for souls the most abundant divine mercies. It will draw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

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