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Need Help...

by Sad Person

Lately, I've been losing faith in the Rosary. I know that it is very very powerful but there are just too many problems in life. What should I do? I even tend to let days slip without completing it. :(

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Fighting Spiritual Dryness
by: Jerald Franklin Archer

Don't condemn yourself for this, as it is normal. One can be in danger of falling into despair, which solves nothing and creates more problems. We all experience a kind of "spiritual dryness" from time to time, and in these times, we are actually being "recharged" rather than depleted of our spiritual strength. Our Blessed Mother knows this and understands.

The Lord is never far, and for reasons we know not, sometimes seems almost non-present, but that is just ourselves and the enemy talking to us. We live in an often "busybody" world where it seems impossible to "pray without ceasing", but if you make your everyday tasks a prayer in themselves, than you will have less episodes of spiritual dryness. It takes practice, but once you achieve it, every thought you have will always turn to God. Yes, you will still get those "bad" thoughts, but will find that they do not stay around very long.

I would highly recommend that you read St. John of the Cross' "Dark Night of the Soul". This deals with the situation you are experiencing. Above all, keep praying, go to confession and receive the Holy Eucharist frequently. These are the most important means of combating spiritual dryness. Speak with your priest on this, as well.

I find that when I have a difficult time in concentrating on the Rosary, that there are many other great devotions (the various chaplets available, especially the Divine Mercy) that one could pray, or begin to learn. The key is to pray always. You are in my prayers, and be confident that after it all over you will feel stronger and better. God Bless You.

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