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Prayers Needed For My Family And Me

by Donald

Please pray for my sweet elderly mom, my dear dad, and my sweet sister, that God will convert them fully to the Catholic faith. Please pray this fervently, as my parents are now in their early 80s. Please beg God to restore my sweet mom to excellent health, heal all her maladies, and restore her good eyesight. Please beg God to heal my dad's lymphedema, which he developed after being treated with radiation for prostate cancer years ago. Please beg God to invincibly and almightily and un-figtably PROTECT my dear mom, dad and sister, and me too in His mercy, from ALL temporal trouble and harm.

Please beg God to fill me with the Holy Spirit and all virtue. Please beg God in His Mercy to grant me the huge financial miracle I need (He knows why, and it is for a good and righteous, necessary purpose). Please ask God to help me earn also a $500 or more a week take-home pay each week on my very difficult commission sales job and to help me pay off ALL my just debts and support my elderly parents and live a life of holiness and penance. Also, my boss picks at me at work for telling people, "Bless You." My co-workers slander me trying to get me into trouble, and one woman is an unscrupulous and mean-spirited troublemaker. Please pray for me for protection from ALL at work who could cost me sales AND cost me my job, and please pray for them, too, for their souls. Please ask God to heal me of my easy-frustratedness and hot temper and use of profanity when I'm frustrated and angry. I love God and don't want to offend Him anymore. In Jesus's Name, AMEN.

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Dec 30, 2011
Be Assured Of Prayers...
by: Anonymous

Dear Donald,
Just because people do not post a comment saying they are praying for you doesn’t mean they are not praying for you. Everyday I check the prayer intentions and pray for them during the daily mass I attend. I also remember them and their intentions in my daily rosary.

Be assured that your intentions are being prayed for not just by me but also by this whole rosary community and may the Holy Spirit fill your soul with peace and trust in Jesus our Lord. Amen.

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