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Realizing There Is A God

by A
(Michigan, USA)

Years ago I lost my faith. My husband was an alcoholic and had gambling issues. We fought verbally and physically at times. Nothing in my life was going right; I was crying all the time and just could not believe that there was a God. My grandmother kept telling me to pray the rosary daily. I started to, but not every day.

Then one Saturday, I was in the garden moving a rock and crying over the issues in my life. I moved the rock and then the greatest feeling of peace came over me. Nothing changed in my life for years. My husband still drank, we were fighting, my kids were affected, but I was able to deal with this. The peace I felt and the security was the greatest feeling.

My husband has been sober for almost 5 years now. I say my rosary and I know that God is there. He never promised us a great life; he promised he would be there. I truly believe that reciting the rosary daily has given me the peace that I so longed for. My life is not perfect, I have financial issues and others but I am at peace, I can make it through with God’s help.

If you recite the rosary you cannot help but be impacted in a great way. I find ways to tell people and many of my friends have now started this devotion, maybe not daily, but it is a start.

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A True Miracle
by: Anonymous

Sometimes a true miracle of the Rosary is realizing you are never alone regardless of the exceptional pain, sadness, and lonliness of this world. It's so beautiful to know that God exists and finding peace and love in Him and His Mother.

Valley of Tears
by: KB

I have had similar experiences through my devotion to the Rosary. My parents are both alcoholics and even though they have been sober now for nearly one year, things are not any better with them but they are for me. My family hasn't changed but I have. I can easily trace the beginning of these changes in me to when I started praying the Rosary daily. Through the Rosary our hearts find peace. It is as St. Augustine said, we are restless until we rest in God. The Rosary is the surest avenue to finding God and therefore finding peace. Thank you for sharing your story as I can completely relate to it. This is the Valley of Tears after all.

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