Our Pray A Rosary For Priests
Commitment Center
Is The Place
To Get Started
When Answering
Pope Benedict's Call...
"Pray without ceasing."
-1 Thessalonians 5:17
Welcome to the Rosary for Priests Commitment Center.
Pray a Rosary for priests that they will aspire "to moral perfection" so as to have "effectiveness of their ministry". This is the intention of Pope Benedict XVI as he proclaims this year, The Year for Priests.
It is the Holy Father's hope that this Year for Priests will stress the importance of the priests' role in the Church and in greater society. During these times more than ever, priests need your prayers.
We are here to help you get started in responding to the Holy Father's call.
Here at the Rosary for Priests Commitment Center you can...
The following prayers were posted on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website and are posted here at the Rosary for
Priests Commitment Center with permission for your use.
Rosary booklet for the Year for Priests [new window opens]
A Priest's Prayer [new window opens]
And The Peoples' Prayer for Priests [new window opens]
You can offer Rosaries for as many priests as you like. Remember to pray for priests who have passed away for...
"it is...a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins." -2 Machabees 12:46
Consider adopting a priest to pray for at the Year for Priests Support Community.
Offer a priest or seminarian up for "adoption" there as well.
And please share why those priests you are praying for are so important in your spiritual life. These stories are so inspiring...
They motivate us all to keep praying for our priests!
Pope Benedict Asks For Further
Doctrinal And Spiritual Formation In Priests
One last thing before you get on your way. Consider the following points Pope Benedict XVI stressed in his address.
He asked for further doctrinal and spiritual formation in priests. So that they will be grounded in the faith and grow in holiness as the years go by. It is the Holy Father's hope that this formation will take place firmly founded in the "Tradition" of the Church, "without breaks or temptations of irregularity".
Furthermore he desires that the "correct reception of the texts of the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council (be) interpreted in the light of the Church's entire fund of doctrine." (Emphasis added)
It is Pope Benedict's hope that priests will be "present, identifiable and recognizable both for their judgement of faith, for their personal virtues as well as for the habit".
There is so much hope for the future of the priesthood especially after the scandalous behavior in the not too distant past.
I would like to emphasize one further point of the Holy Father's. He wishes the distorted promotion of the laity (abuse of Extraordinary Ministers, Communion Services etc.) in response to the priest shortage come to an end.
He says...
"without (the priesthood) there would be neither the Eucharist, nor even the mission nor the Church herself."
A more appropriate course of action would be to investigate the "real causes of contemporary problems linked to the ministry."
On that note the importance of this
Year for Priests becomes clear.
Pray without ceasing especially by using the rescoursed available here at the Rosary for Priests Commitment Center.
Pray for Catholic priests.
The peace of the world and your own interior peace weighs upon good and holy priests. Don't forget to pray for the intercession of St. John Vianney the patron saint of priests.
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Catholic Mysteries Of The Rosary
Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
The Joyful Mysteries are taken mostly from St. Luke's Gospel in the New Testament. They involve the joyful events of Jesus' childhood. The most joyful event in all of human history is the Incarnation or when God became man and dwelt among us
Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary
What a gift the the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary are. Meditating on these
Mysteries of Light bring even deeper understanding of the public life of Jesus.
They fill in the blanks between Jesus' childhood and His suffering and death on
the cross. Therefore
Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary remind you of how much Jesus
loves you. He suffered and died for you. "Greater love than this no
man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
-John 15:13. You are loved by Jesus
Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
The Glorious Mysteries are the crown of Jesus' triumphs. How
exhilarating to know that Jesus is God and that He rose from the dead,
making you an heir to Heaven. Reminding yourself of these glorious
events as you pray the Rosary prayer will keep your faith alive and strong
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