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Rosary Helped Me Overcome Habitual Sin And Healed My Dad's Cancer

by Chris
(San Jose, California)

I was enslaved to a horrible sin for 7 years.

I began praying the Rosary sometime between the last days of September and first days of October of 2011. I began praying it 2 or 3 times a week.

I loved it and felt so good when praying it, that I simply started to pray it every day. December came and I had not committed that sin. It was surprising indeed. You see, I was really a weak person when it comes to that sin. I pledged to pray the Rosary everyday for the rest of my life on December 8 and 12 (Feast of Immaculate Conception and of Our Lady of Guadalupe).

I told our Lady I would pray it everyday for the rest of my life. I saw how powerful it was, and I simply loved it (and still do). Today is May 5th 2012, and I am still free from this sin. Clearly, I am very sure that this is due to nothing else but the Rosary. In addition, according to myself, I don't remember being in the state of mortal sin since then. But I may be wrong.

In addition, my dad was who was diagnosed with cancer in May 2011, was told by the doctors on December, that he was cured from it.

I recommend this prayer to anyone.

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Holy Rosary
by: Anonymous

It is a powerful rosary, I had a very bad habit and rosary is a great help.

with rosary,the battle is won
by: Anonymous

Yes, really rosary is a weapon. Try & see.

Prayer-Powerful Weapon!
by: Anonymous

Prayer is the most powerful weapon against the enemy. Remember, prayer is the master key to all doors and even windows.

by: Anonymous

Thank you for your powerful witness. Keep saying your rosary because "It is THE weapon"!!

Prayer request
by: Anonymous

My son job, health,stress,fears,tension, suffering day to day he is going through and not being paid for a very long time.

I as widow what problems I'm facing life is getting bad to worse your urgent prayers are requested.

Thanks and keep us and brothers and sisters and the whole world in prayers.

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The rosary will make virtue and good works flourish, and will obtain for souls the most abundant divine mercies. It will draw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

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