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Rosary Seems To Have No Power To Heal Me

by JB

Almost 3 or more times everyday that I pray the rosary but I have not experience ease in my pain. I suffer almost 7 years but praying the rosary for healing has no power.

I think God and Mama Mary only help who they want to help, they have mercy who they want to get mercy.

But for me, I think this pain of disease that I experienced I will say that rosary has no power, but I will continue praying the rosary to experience what did you call power of the rosary. I have faith but I'm in pain so much.

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It Is The New Beginning
by: Anonymous

If your prayers are unanswered, doesn't mean you are not heard. The creator knows better. Let his wish be done through her. Don't then forget the pain saints went through. Don't lose faith. Maybe you are making way for a beautiful tomorrow. Have courage. Don't forget what Jesus has gone through, even though he was sinless. Give your pain to Mary. Say you can't take it anymore she'll listen.

Dear JB
by: Anonymous

I am so saddened to hear you are in so much pain. Please know that I will pray for you. Our Blessed Lady is hearing your prayers and holds you in her heart. Please pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet Our Lord gave to sister Faustina. His Mercy will reach out to you and bring you comfort I know.

You are dearly Loved by Our Lord and Our Lady and they will never leave your side. I am your sister in faith and will continue to pray for you. Please do not lose Faith or Hope in God

Go to Confession
by: Veronica

Do a thorough examination of conscience, even ask a priest to help you - make an appointment with him and spend time. You may have unrepentant mortal sin on your soul which would make your Rosaries fruitless. Our Blessed Mother hears your prayers and is guiding you. If she does not obtain healing for you then will give you the strength to carry your cross. God bless you!

Thoughts To Out To You
by: Anonymous

Dear Sufferer:
Know all will work out for you. Your country is going through a transformation to help the poor, pray for the poor to hold themselves together while you are in pain and this will elevate your understanding of it all. My mother prayed the rosary 3 times a day for me .. she was a World War II survivor of a concentration camp .. nothing made sense to her but she kept praying for me and mine to do good in the world .. I try and try to help people and I help but it is very costly to help people and so I just pray while in credit debt from helping .. Bless You .. take 3 aspirins for your pain .. it is known to help heartache, too.

Don't Give Up
by: Anonymous

Lord Jesus loves you so much! Read 1 Peter about Hope in the midst of your suffering. Lord Jesus always has a plan for you and the pain might be a way for you to be closer to Jesus. Remember, Lord Jesus loves you!

by: Rocky

Dear Brother

Rosary is a way to meditate and listen to what God wants to tell you. You need to humble your heart and soul and get rid of the bitterness and anger you have in you. Forgive everyone in your life in Jesus name and forgive yourself first.

If you have some old anger or vengeance in your heart with family speak to them and resolve this issue. You will be healed in Jesus name.


Your Perseverance Is Commendable
by: Anonymous

You said you have pain for seven years and the rosary has not healed you and yet you are still saying it...then you are a saint. Because I would have given it up after a few months. I mean it, you are a saint or on the way to being one.

Pray The Rosary With Deep Love
by: Thessy

A complete dedication and meditation while saying the rosary works wonders! Say it with love and you will get results fast.

Rosary seems to have no power to heal me...
by: Anonymous

This is a very strong and erroneous statement. Are you suggesting that God and our Lady are deceptive in their stupendous promises of the rosary? Oh no!

It is one thing to recite the rosary and another to pray it. St. James makes it clear that when we pray and do not receive what we pray for, then, we have not prayed well. To gain the promises of the rosary, we need to pray with faith, love and humility. Have you been doing this? Our Lady has never failed and will never fail.

Pray Your Rosary With Utmost Faith
by: Anonymous

Say your rosary with utmost faith and believe!! You shall be healed. With faith and strong belief pray your rosary. Feel it, understand the mysteries and trust our Mother. You shall be healed. Pray to Padre Pio to intercede your prayers.

Shall remember you in my prayers

Have More Faith
by: Anonymous

You must believe. Praying and asking God for something but not believing he hears you or loves you could be part of the problem. Believe in your heart that God will work miracles in you and for you. God Bless You.

by: Anonymous

Dear, please continue praying rosary. U will be healed. For sure. Please pray with a forgiving and faithful heart. U will see miracles. Dedicate the pain u suffer for the souls of purgatory

St. Raphael
by: Anonymous

St. Raphael Prayer for Healing
Glorious Archangel St. Raphael, great prince of the heavenly court, you are illustrious for your gifts of wisdom and grace. You are a guide of those who journey by land or sea or air, consoler of the afflicted, and refuge of sinners.

I beg you, assist me in all my needs and in all the sufferings of this life, as once you helped the young Tobias on his travels. Because you are the "medicine of God" I humbly pray you to heal the many infirmities of my soul and the ills that afflict my body. I especially ask of you the favor (here mention your special intention), and the great grace of purity to prepare me to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rosary seems to have no power to heal me
by: Anonymous

Ask your friends and patron saints to intercede for you especially saints in heaven. amen

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