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Sign Of The Cross While Praying The Glory Be

by Anonymous

As a Hispanic I grew up making the sign of the cross whenever we prayed the Glory Be. I work at a Catholic School and we currently have a Filipino nun who is adament that the children not make the sign of the cross when praying the Glory Be while praying the rosary. What is correct? Is this something that is cultural? I know that during the Mass we must do whatever is authorized by rubics...but the Rosary? Thank you so very much.

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Sign Of The Cross While Praying The "Gloria"
by: John A Crowe

This is not a definitive answer, but I don't believe there are any Rules, regarding making the sign of the cross while saying the "Gloria". I am Irish and it is not a custom in this country or at least in any parish I have attended; I, however do it all the time as it seems to me that it underlines my sincerity, while glorifying God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I would not try to coerce another to do it but respect their decision in charity and love, while continuing to do what I believe best suits me and, more importantly, what enables me to better show my love for the Blessed Trinity.

Sign of the Cross While Praying the Rosary
by: Anonymous

Is the Rosary not one continuous prayer? As a cradle catholic, I was taught you start and end prayers with the Sign of the Cross. Would it not be disruptive to the continuity of the prayer to make the Sign of the Cross in the middle of the prayer?

Breathing with both lungs
by: Brother-In-Christ

Please forgive me if what I have to say upsets any of you. I have found that during the Glory Be prayer a person is giving praise to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. While it has been helpful for me to make the sign of the cross during that praise, I believe that making the sign of the cross could only offend those who find it difficult to praise God. While I have realized that sometimes others are busy watching when another person is engaged in prayer, I believe that no person has the right to attempt to extinguish the fire for God that burns within another.

I have learned that members of the catholic faith such as Eastern Rite Catholics and Eastern Orthodox will often make the sign of the cross while reciting the Glory Be. We have been instructed by the successor of Peter, Pope John Paul II, to breathe with both lungs. This can only be done when we embrace the Body of Christ as a whole and use it to the fullest. While it wouldn't be advantages to breathe air with only one lung, it is possible. But to use both, when you have both, is practical.

While making the sign of the cross could be distracting for others, would it also be fitting to not pray because it is also distracting to others? Would it be fitting to refuse to put your seatbelt on while traveling in a motor vehicle just because someone else chooses not to or they found it distracting? To make a sign of the cross on oneself can be traced back to the early periods of Christianity. As a disciple of Christ my responsibility is to bring Christianity to the world.

May God Bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to His everlasting life.

When To Make The Sign Of The Cross
by: The Rosary Team

I am not Hispanic and couldn't find where the custom to make the Sign of the Cross while praying the Glory Be Prayer originated, but I am sure that it is a pious custom and should be continued by those familiar with it and can be adopted by others if they feel called to do so.

What we can contribute to this conversation is a list of times when Catholics should make the sign of the cross...

  • To begin and end prayers

  • When passing a Catholic church

  • When entering a Catholic church

  • When passing a cemetery

  • After receving Holy Communion

  • When hearing of some misfortune

  • When tempted

  • When an ambulance or fire truck passes by

  • When passing a crucifix

  • When passing a holy water font

This is not an exhaustive list of reasons and occasions to make the Sign of the Cross, but it gives you a good idea of the frequency we all should be signing ourselves.

The Sign of the Cross gives honor to God and wards off evil, fear, and temptation.

To read more about the Sign of the Cross read our Rosary Prayers, Sign of the Cross page.

Automatic Response
by: Anonymous

My opinion is that because the Glory Be prayer is similar to the words of the Sign of the Cross, folks get confused and will start the Sign of the Cross when we say "Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit". I believe it is an automatic response that even when they are so involved in prayer when reciting the rosary, they will automatically gesture with their hand the Sign of the Cross.

Sign of Cross after communion
by: Anonymous

My priest taught me that a person does not make the sign of the cross after receiving Communion because Christ is in you and you are blessed because of that.

Sign of the Cross
by: Anonymous

Great information. Comment to the list of when Catholics make the Sign of the Cross. "After Receiving Holy Communion..." although some people do it, it is not necessary. We do not use that in our instruction for sacramental preparation.

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