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Special Prayers

by Br. Alex

That through Mother Mary's special prayers and most powerful and never failing intercession, that all and each Holy Guardian Angel are able to bring, a soul out of purgatory, eternal salvation for a dying soul, and conversion for a lost soul, and with Immaculate Mother Mary, Ever-Virgin, that all the Holy Guardian Angels pray for the conversion of all people, especially the people they are advocates to.

And through the most precious blood and merits of Christ and Mother Mary's Immaculate Conception and prayers, that all the Holy Guardian Angels present at all the Holy Masses celebrated throughout the whole world each and every day in perpetuity, that each and every Guardian Angel may bring countless souls out of purgatory, bring about eternal salvation for many dying souls, and a miraculous transformation and conversion for numerous lost souls each and every day, and that all people choosing and living a celibate life, especially Priests, Religious, and the Consecrated, that each and every day of their celibate life that souls be released from purgatory, eternal salvation be achieved for the dying, and that lost souls be miraculously converted each and every day, and with ongoing and ceaseless prayers for the sanctity and purity of the Church and world, the souls in purgatory, the dying and all people, and each and every day through Mother Mary's perpetual, ceaseless and ongoing intercession that many souls in purgatory be released, the dying be brought to salvation and many people be converted, and the whole world and Church be purified, so that more and more people come to live in Christ and that no more souls be lost.

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