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Studies And The Rosary

by Honor Student Wannabe

Hey! One question, can the Holy Rosary help me in my studies? If so, how? You see, I'm having a depressive turmoil when it comes to my grades. I really want to be the 1st honor student but it seems that my performance isn't enough though I'm giving 100% of my efforts. I need how can this prayer actually help me? It'd be nice if you give me some inspirational sayings. :)

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The School of Life
by: Jerald

As I am sure your intentions are pure, consider the aspects of where it really lies in your life right at this moment and in the future. You will find a few saints who where made saints by holy ambition, but only after they learned the small value that worldly ambition (and the position it gained) really had to the "big picture" of things.

As it is a finely worldly thing for anyone to be in a higher post that another, but it is not necessary for our ultimate salvation. In a world that is full of people that compete for many honors, it is often a sad thing that we forget our own souls in doing so. This can happen if we do not stay focused. Always, above all else, be resigned to the will of God. He gives all we ask for, but not everything, as it may not be to the benefit of our ultimate salvation.

The Rosary is not a key to material gains, but spiritual ones. We pray the Rosary in order to gain virtues that will help us on our journey to salvation. In doing so, we honor Our Holy Mother and Blessed Lord. One must be careful of presumption and pride when we pray. If we strive to high placement in the world, we can be in great danger of great failure, even if we obtain the high position.

If overt and unnecessary personal ambition sets our minds to pride, then we do a double sin in what we believed to be a good intention. It is not a sin to desire to be the best we can, but it is a sin of pride that we are in danger of if we do not remember to be humble. We did not get to "greatness" by our own hand, but that of God's, who placed us there for a certain purpose of His own. Ultimately, the final outcome is the proof that even a failure was necessary in order to keep ourselves or others in order.

The greatest minds in the value of failure. Don't place so much on the studies, which are causing you depressive states, as you state. This takes from the whole idea of genuine achievement at any level. Be content with what God may have in store for you. and when you are older (God willing) you will see what I (and those who have experieced life's greatest bumps in the road) that our greatest achievement is always just ahead of us.

The "big test" goes on for our entire lives, and we often encounter many "pop quizzes" along the way. The ultimate University awaits all of us. If we learn from our failures, this is the true essence of the experience. Pray always for wisdom, as this is the greatest blessing that one can have, and many do even if they do not possess even a High School Diploma. The school of life is always in session. Learn all you can, but use that which is necessary to save others or yourself. God Bless You and be well in your studies.

Honor Student Wannabe
by: Anonymous

Awww! Your comment totally reminded me of something good I long forgot. You're right, you're absolutely right. Thank you. :)

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