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Victory Over Vice
Through The Rosary

"Either make the tree good and its fruit good:
or make the tree evil, and its fruit evil.
For by the fruit the tree is known."
-Matthew 12:33

Catholic Rosary Myteries

Victory over vice is promised in the 3rd rosary promise. It states that: "it will destroy vice."

Numerous spiritual conversions have been attributed to the power of the Rosary.

One of the natural effects of a spiritual conversion is peace within the soul.

The Rosary has the power to bring peace to your soul.

The Rosary is even reported to have power to overcome demonic possessions.

There is a terrifying and amazing account contained in St. Louis Marie De Montfort's book The Secret of the Rosary where the demons in a possessed man are confronted and enter into discourse with St. Dominic. An excerpt of this frightening account can be read here...

Among other things St. Dominic found out that...

  • There were fifteen thousand demons in the body of this man; a thousand for each of the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary this man had condemned.
  • The demons also told St. Dominic that preaching the Rosary "put horror into the very depths of hell and that he was the man they hated most throughout the whole world, because of the souls which he snatched from them through devotion to the Holy Rosary."

Jesus and Mary conquered Satan.

Mary said "yes" to God and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

Mary played a key role in the Incarnation of Jesus, God made Man and in the Redemption of the human race.

Satan is afraid of Mary for she is the Woman from the book of Genesis who crushed his head. Mary is the human whose "yes" to God made the redemption of mankind possible.

A healthy, vibrant tree bears many delicious fruit.

The Rosary is the prayer of the Gospels. It is the prayer of the lives of Jesus and Mary.

Because Mary resembles Jesus in all things it is beneficial to study her life.

The Rosary is a powerful instrument of conversion because it bears the fruits of holiness and peace.

The Rosary is miraculous. And yet, it also makes sense from a mere human perspective.

It brings great peace because within it are the fruits that teach you to live a life that reflects the lives of Jesus and Mary and help you with your victory over vice.

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Catholic Mysteries Of The Rosary

Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
The Joyful Mysteries are taken mostly from St. Luke's Gospel in the New Testament. They involve the joyful events of Jesus' childhood. The most joyful event in all of human history is the Incarnation or when God became man and dwelt among us read more...

Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary
What a gift the the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary are. Meditating on these Mysteries of Light bring even deeper understanding of the public life of Jesus. They fill in the blanks between Jesus' childhood and His suffering and death on the cross. Therefore read more...

Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary remind you of how much Jesus loves you. He suffered and died for you. "Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends." -John 15:13. You are loved by Jesus read more...

Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
The Glorious Mysteries are the crown of Jesus' triumphs. How exhilarating to know that Jesus is God and that He rose from the dead, making you an heir to Heaven. Reminding yourself of these glorious events as you pray the Rosary prayer will keep your faith alive and strong read more...

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Inspiring Quotes

Daily Meditation

Let us pray

Almighty and everlasting God, look upon the Heart of Thy well-beloved Son and upon the acts of praise and satisfaction which He renders unto Thee in the name of sinners; and do Thou, in Thy great goodness, grant pardon to them who seek Thy mercy, in the name of the same Thy Son, Jesus Christ, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, world without end. Amen.
-From the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

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He led a quiet, peaceful, humble life. Yet he held the highest position bestowed upon the human race.



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Be sure to check out the
15 Rosary Promises given to Saint Dominic to help you find peace in this life and the next.
